Tree of Savior Forum

New cleric player need build advice

so far i like krivis but i didn’t get too far. i’ve seen a lot of bokor/pd builds, so it seems like a popular choice. i might just try something i haven’t seen at all as a test. all i know anyway is theorycrafting and what i read in builds and forum posts.

@e_piyachai - i hope taoist isn’t too unsustainable. been too poor to not understand that plight T_T. the way i understood it, bokor2 was mostly for lv10 effigy. maybe down the road people might regret not getting lv15 tho.

@feehime - i was thinking miko could be a good offensive choice too, though. hamaya looks strong with storm calling and can maybe extend zaibas with clap (i think that’s broken now?). also it sounds like i can sweep buffs as an offensive tactic.

hmm… something like this looks kinda’ fun. any way to make that concept work?

Miko could work. I was actually thinking of picking up Miko due to Hamaya. The clap currently only works on Diev statues though? Probably could combo it with Melstis + Ausrine? Sadly we don’t have Miko yet :frowning:

Druid2 is actually a good choice simply because of lvl10 Carnivory and lvl5 Tooth. 10s Invuln with 30s CD. Priest is great for the rez too. Oracle for Counterspell/Prophecy. Miko is also another great pickup with lots of utilities.

Yeah, picking cleric builds is hard… :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m not familiar with Inqui/physical cleric build so someone else will have to take a look at that.

picking tao as starting char will break ur wallet xD
c2 kriv3 miko is good support
u can pick pd2 at r7/8 for more dmg, status ailment also heal factor
or pick priest at r7 for ress and kabalist r8 for total support xD
or go pvp orient class kabalist at r7 and inquistor at r8 :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe i will do the taoist later on. i do think i’ll try out the krivtao after miko is in. for now i will just work on this other character i came up with… i know it probably won’t be too good but it just looks fun to me.

You should find more information. Chaplain is good with SPR build but Monk should be STR build.

hm i read up on chap and it seems like the buffs are only good on auto-attacks. so maybe i can throw a different class in there somewhere. maybe someone can suggest something good?

It’s good that you’re looking at Monk and Chaplain as your first character since they’re pretty flexible with what they can do. They can perform very well in the solo aspects from early to late-game because they’re not limited to long-CD land deployments, resistible debuffs, or troublesome setups. They can go straight to attacking with minimal setup.

Inquisitor is a great class for both Chaplain and Monk, but I would never build Monk and Chaplain together. Maybe you could look into:

  • Cleric 2 > Priest 3 > Chaplain > X > Inquisitor 1
  • Cleric 2 > Priest 3 > Chaplain > Plague Doctor 2
  • Cleric 2 > Priest 1 > Dievdirbys 1 > Monk 1 > Druid 2 > Inquisitor 1
  • Cleric 2 > Priest 2 > Monk 1 > Oracle 1 > Kabbalist 1 > Inquisitor 1
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Agree, this is what I would want to say.

i think i really want to make this one.

i even have a backstory. “one day, during training, my master punched me so hard that my soul fell out…”

If you’re going support Cleric,why not go Cleric C3>Krivis C3>Pardoner C1> Taoist C1?

That way you won’t get broke cause you can sell Daino Scrolls to people.
You could also skip Cleric C3 if you feel it’s too overkill for supporting and go Pardoner C2 to become able to sell lvl 10 Daino Scrolls instead. You can also sell lvl 3 Zalciai, lvl 10 Cure & lvl 10 Aukuras scrolls that way to cover the costs for the talismans you’ll be using as Taoist.

after playing the game for a while (seeing the pardoners everywhere XD) and thinking it over i’m gonna’ replace the priest in my first build with oracle and priest in the monk build with diev like:

cleric2 > kriv3 > miko > oracle > tao (caster’s nightmare)

cleric2 > diev2 > sadhu > monk3 (owl will help protect my lifeless body)

for my 2 cleric characters. they’re not really what people suggested, but the conversation helped a lot with my decision so thanks to everyone!

Are you dead set on monk at rank8?

i know most people go inquisitor… call me crazy, and i hope i don’t regret it, but i’m hoping they release something later that fits better.

just feels like it’s tacked on meta op silliness, but that passes. also if i really needed to i’d take sadhu out for it but really it’s just a novelty build for fun.

My issue is you are taking an r7 for your r8. The gap in damage between those 2 ranks is huge.

Also, the only time I can agree with a monk choice is when you go monk1-druid2 for r5 - r7. Why? Druid2 gets you [transform].

Just an example, you can transform into merog shaman that has a 5 sec cd [safety zone]. Add your attribute from cleric 2 and you have a 20 block [safety zone] every 5 sec instead of the default 48 sec cd. Merog shaman is a medium beast so you get 110 atk (for being medium) and 50% crit rate (for being beast).

Bot to mention, you can pick inquisitor for r8. Druid3 would defeat the purpose of going monk because werewolf skills from druid3 completely replace monk1 skills.

that’s a completely different build though where i turn into a frog instead of what i thought sounded fun.

At least kung fu frog is definitely more interesting RP.

heh i was under the impression that sadhu did the monk skills in oob but that was silly. having an actual monk char is a pipe-dream. no fist weapons, no synergy, no dice. i understand that now. just nostalgia from ro but it’s a shame that monk turns into a filler-class for a certain niche pve build to replace essentially auto-attacks.

focusing on the cleric2 > krivis3 > miko > oracle > taoist. my understanding is that i’ll be able to deny most forms of damage (between safety zone and counter spell), cancel most buff skills and have really good synergy with all the lightning-based skills. am i thinking right this time? i don’t think safety zone applies, but does melstis work with counter spell? if not then i’m open to dropping krivis down to 2 and possibly replacing oracle if there’s a better idea out there.

thanks again for all the advice, and sorry if i’m stubborn sometimes :stuck_out_tongue:

I always find this thread useful when looking for build advice. I hope it helps you as much as it has helped me.

i’ve definitely read through that and it was very helpful. if i didn’t outright copy the skills it helped me come up with the original taoist build, but it doesn’t cover oracle and synergy with melstis. i’m not building the skills like that first one, i’ve learned a lot since then for the record. maybe something like this (def not sure about miko skills yet):

When the rank reset comes, all of the experimental builds will be fine. I think you should do whatever you want.