Tree of Savior Forum

Need advice for a wizard build

Hello guys ! I’m leveling my first character which is curently a C3 wizard. And I’m thinking about the way to go after.
I really want to get linker C1 or maybe C2. But after that I’m not really sure. I’m wondering what class could go well with this. I don’t really wanna play elementalist because it’s too much of the usual archetype of wizard.
So what path could possibly be good with Wizard 3 and Linker ?
I was wondering if a thaumaturge would work ? Or maybe necro.
I’m just worried with necro when it comes to corpse managment.
So anyone got some idea ?

Wiz 3 > Linker > Soc2 > WL from @moises_andre12 xD


You can see this topic to all details you need to know about the build Wiz3 link1 sorc 2 lock. I have a cryo3sorc2lock at 280, but I did a new wiz with this build and Im at 262 , I can tell you the DMG is crazy , go for it!

It seems cool but I’m not so sure I would like warlock. Is fetherfoot any good ? Or what about necro 2 and then going for necro 3 after the release ?
Is sorc 2 good and is sorc 3 viable ? I’m wondering if familiar can do a good damage at rank 15. I saw on your video that it deals a pretty good amount of damages, but does it keeps on later ? And is it as powerfull as flesh cannon / flesh hoop ?

When I started ToS: I don’t want Elementalist - it is so POP.

Made 280 lvl Sorc: FCK, i am useless in ET! FCK, I can’t MVP/Do World Bosses. My damage is not enough!

Made 280 lvl CryoKino: Ok, PVP is nice. FCK, i still can’t MvP! Low DMG, FCK!

Current status: leveling up Elementalist.

Wanna be the best? Be elementalist.


necro 3 is awesome… a good choice.


well , I have an ET party , and we are doing every day without any problem , so dont say sorcs are useless(u have to know how to play of course) in ET :grin:

So I’m currently hesitating between two builds :

Wiz C3 > Linker > Sorc > Sorc > Warlock ( > Warlock 2 )
Wiz C3 > Linker > Linker > Necro > Necro ( > Necro 3 )

Not sure which one is gonna be the most fun and also working well.

My experience is different

  1. Wiz3>Elem3>Featherfoot
    It’s so boring, quickcast>frostcloud did everything, unless boss fight you need to cast more skills. I leave it at 252 and play the next build.

  2. Wiz3>Thaum3>Warlock
    I like how it boost up dark theurge to 9k damage per hit, will look forward to circle 2 especially you can store the spirit and shoot it with lv10 dark theurge, hopefully reach up 12k x 6 hits for each spirit shot. However, lack of skill and AoE is quite pain to level up.

  3. Wiz3>Linker2>anything
    This is a universal framework for any future wizard, especially Necro/Warlock/Featherfoot.
    Maybe Enchanter since it mentioned it enchant your main weapon as support which I think possible good for auto-attack with linker.

I was kinda thinking about going the thaum way before, maybe I should have but I went linker instead. I kinda like it for the moment.
So is linker 1 viable or shall I get linker 2 ? And then I guess after linker 2 I should get necro right ? Or just 1 rank sorc before warlock ?

Nope. You are just support dps in et party. You can be changed by other classes in ET freely.

I also can farm ET with my premade party but i clear see that my dmg is not really high. Ele3-warlock will be much useful.

It all depends in the kind of party u have dear… my TS dmg makes difference … stop with trash comments and go to the game to learn how to play… bye! :grin:

Ahah I’m still so confused if I should go linker 2 and necro or sorc 2 and warlock now :slight_smile:
Well I guess both are good anyway.
Do you guys know if they are better in PVE or PVP ? Maybe like necro is better PVE and warlock PVP or the opposite. Or are they both good in each case ?
I’m kinda interested to play both PVE and PVP so shall I go with a lot of CON as well ? Something like 1:1 CON : INT ? Or is it better to get a lot of INT ?

funny, i have excatly the same question but im already sorc 1, so im thinking about going for necro 2 now or if im going for sorc 2 warlock 1…

any ideas? :confused:

I assume your party has an ele3/schwartz+melstis and a chrono?
If not 6F will be like punching a brick wall.

Currently with enough Linkers you don’t really need an Ele 3. MM alone can 1-shot ET packs on HK.

Indeed a powerful combo, but my MM doesn’t seem to do that well lol
It does get them down, though having more than one chronolinker makes certain floors pretty hard.

Kinda giving up on ET, total pain in the rear to hit 15F. They need to fix this reward system to give any incentive.

Please give an answer to this, I have the same doubt (currently a W3>L1).:grinning:
Sorry for my english.:confused:

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uhm i just started a new char with this in mind

wiz > cryo > link > ele c3 > ???

or maybe i go with this:

wiz c3 > link > sorc c2 > ???

any ideas on what i should take as r7 class or should i go linker c2 a r7 then proceed to sage at r8?

Dat verbal abuse from you.

Your TS damage only depends on your INT and Skill LvL, and how much Int you have, dear, 550 or maybe 600? Still weak.