Tree of Savior Forum

Need a type with dragoon

So guys, if anyone can help me i would appreciate very much…
The deal is to be usefull in PVE and PVP, mainly PVP, then i was searching and was thinking about these 2 builds…

Build1 = Swords > Pelt > Hop > Cata > Corsair c2 > Dragoon c2
Build2 = Swords > Pelt > Hop c2 > Corsair c2 > Dragoon c2

By one way, i would have mobility and some area skills with earthquake, the mobility would help very much in pvp, but almost no gap closer, so i would have to use iron hook near them and impaler, other side i would have less area of dmg skills, in pve would be a little worse but would have a gap closer for iron hook like long stride and more dmg because of spear lunge… so… help?? D:

Meta PvP/Offensive PvP variant:

Sw3 -> Cata3 -> Dragoon 2

(No dedicated topic for this build, but it’s by far the most popular)

Defensive PvP variant: (my build)

Sw2 -> Pelt -> Cata3 -> Dragoon 2

PvE focus that can do some PvP:

Sw3 -> Hop3 -> Dragoon 2

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wow, thanks for the reply, i gonna see this build of Hop3, just feel more dynamic, cataphract for me is all about 1 skill almost, doesnt have much appeal in my vision, i was interested of first build that i mentioned because of this guy, the arsenal of the skills are huge:

bad thing about this is that require a good ping… :stuck_out_tongue:

Well cataphract has a whole range of skills that are actually useable in PvP. It recently got an overhaul too, so pretty much all the skills got buffed.

It’s far from a 1 tricky pony. But rush IS very good.

Even if for me the cool think about dragoon was the TwoHanded Spear,

I have to admit that use shield is more effective when come to high levels, specially because Finestra from Hoplite.

So… if you like to be on foot (like me), you can do Hoplite focused build.
If you dont like to be on foot, you can do Cataph build.

People generaly choose the Swordsman 3 for better “Restrain skill” levels, to stun enemies on auto-attacks more easily to kill them, but it is optional. I think Dragoon itself have lots of cool skills, and together with Hoplite the sinergy is very good.

You can swamp weapons of course, but when the difficult increases, shields will give you the support you need.
Use what you like more, dont focus only on META.

i know rush is pretty broken, it just feel that you have only one skill lol, i would go for cataphract most for the mobility… so, the corsair is out of question i guess… :v

i never choose the META builds/classes in any game, for me is all about using your tools to make as much as you can, but when the doubt hits the door its good to have a second thought xD

go achilles!! /o/

Damn forums are unstable as hell lol.

Anyways, there WAS a viable corsair variant but with the Hop3 buff I don’t think it’s viable anymore.

Still, it’s not THAT bad, semi-viable I guess:

Sw -> Pelt -> Hop 2 -> Corsair 2-> Dragoon 2

With some tweaks it could be good in PvP.

(One of the original generation Dragoon videos lol, and it’s based on this build I believe)

sorry I was talking about PvE

You said you want more pvp than pve, corsair is a must. Iron hocker( something like that)
Also cataph have more advantage on PVP than Hoplite.
And you can choose lancer on the end, together with Cataph, is a bunch of tools to fight againt physical and magic players.
Swordsman 3 restrain also is a good tool for PVP because the stun.

sorry, I never focus on PVP. I’m noob on this part.

yeah i thought that iron hook would be pretty nice, you can pass pain barrier and even hit them when they are on hook, so who you guys think would be the best in most of situations, a corsair/hop/drag vs hop 3/drag ?

You can go Hop3SairGoon2 y’know.

Hexen burst was awesome back then, but SpearThrow spam now easily out damages it, plus it’s Bind attribute for locking prey down even if you don’t have Restrain.

rofl, totally forgot about bind the bind attribute of spear throw, so it really surpasses hexen dropper? it isn’t supposed to be an AoE skill? you say that surpasses the dmg because of the cooldown right?

i gonna keep that in mind xD

[the damage buff it got way back then] +[Geras(wearble w/shield/offhand)] +0cd =profit

It be nice if IMC can give Hexen or DD Skyliner tier of bonus damage on bleeding, at least that’ll give more reason to use KeelHauling’s bleed.

If you look at the more recent videos from that guy, it seems he relies mostly on Hook and Goon skills:

While having a lot of skills from those 6 classes in one build may have worked well in R7 — the same build has taken its toll due to R8’s powercreep (probably doesn’t apply to clerics).

Now, the time required for you to land these CCs and debuffs (if they do connect) is oftentimes enough for an enemy to burst you down. Also, due to transcendence and 270-315 gear, unless you can match their gearing too your damage will be significantly mitigated.

Then comes 5v5 which by R8 just went full steroid. Here are examples:

As I always say in other threads, it’s nice to be different but there’s a reason why meta builds are popular. They’re effective for their purpose.

Players who are aware how hook works can more than half of the time dodge it my jumping around or catching the Corsair offguard first, and a lot of players know how to spectate in-match now as well as use /memberinfo so you’ll rarely be able to surprise them with it.

Hook has max 3 targets and IIRC (unless it was changed) will also consider pears, caltrops, pets and summons as targets - and there’s a lot of that in 5v5 and GvG.

If Corsair had other skills worthy to completely replace Spear Throw besides Hook, I would’ve gone with picking at least a circle in it. Spear Throw is just too good to pass with its true triple multihit, bind attribute and spammability.

Still, if you’re really bound to go with a mostly PVP Goon build that has Hook, then I would follow this:

You might miss out on Spear Throw, but you still have Stabbing (with Spear Lunge it’s actually really good against tight groups) for some AOE besides Serpentine, Soar and Dethrone.

It’s also important to consider that Long Stride has a very long CD (nearly double that of Hook) and will knock enemies away from point of impact (even if they’re hooked).

I feel like temporarily letting go of your shield to use Corsair skills besides Hook breaks the build’s synergy with Pelt and Finestra.

Hope this helps!

how about getting hop3 then corsair1? is jolly roger lvl 5 noticeable with pillage? and with the upcoming buff on remaking it would it make a good 1 rank choice?

Pillage? not so great really at lvl5/C1, only gonna invest 2 points in that now if you’re staying at Sair1 just for it’s damage nullifying attribute, and save the points in case they change that shtty treasure chest skill to something else.

imo, high level JR is only good for Sair2 and above, since it now boosts missile damage by 5% per skill level, once on fever=300combo, and lowers DWA stamina consumption by 2% per level.

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ohh so better stick with dopel 1 and remove corsair for the hoplite3>?>goon2 build?
with dopel,fencer,goon, which do you think of the 3 is best at farming post 280 content? would hop-goon fall off in DPS for the AOE department from dopels?

Depends on what you want/need.
core skill:
Dopp1= 2 damage 1 utlity
DOV(patk buff)
Cyclone(slash type aoe damage)
Sair1= 3(4 pillage is now passive) utility(1 damage-weak-)
JR(damage nullify/ missile damage buff)

Depend on what you’re farming.
If you’re killing hordes of mobs Goon would still be better(decent damage)&safer(while wearing a shield), mob using Dethrone then SpearThrow spam.
Fencers lack natural AAR(good mobbing skill) outside Balestra atm(Flash used to be good but got shit AAR now).
Despite being strongest out of the three, Dopps will likely kill themselves at full stacked DOV throwing themselves inside the mobs if not assisted by a Cleric.

If hunting one specific monster.
Imo, Fencers plays fastest(Epee>Balestra>Flash>if not dead>Composee spam).
With adequate killing speed(DOVed skill burst) and bigger loot(DPE), Dopps live up to their high risk-high return name.
While Goons* are so-so pace, relatively way safer compared to Dopps.

*Hop>Dopp>Goons can also take advantage of DPE, while Hop>Sair>Goons has Pillaging when doing their farming spree.

Dopps always had(Cyclone nerf[RESOLVED] :joy:) been best AOE DPS.

While Fencers on consistent high single target damage.

Imo, generic HopGoons are most well rounded out of the three, they can burst with 2 overheats of Dethrone and can also consistently deal damage via SpearThrow.
Also can be the tankiest out of the three.
Finestra alone allows rough 100+ stat point to be distributed elsewhere outside the DEX meta, recommended to add it all to CON which can spike your Block rate while Finestra(+36%block w/zega) is active and holding Guard(+25%block) up.

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Just for note:
its not achilles hahahaha
is aquaman, that uses a Trident too, a nice one. To sad the movies cant compete with 50% of the awesomeness that the characters are in the game.
good luck with your character. again: play with what you like, because in the end game, you will not want to reroll another character just to test another class, unless you gain some Reset Rank.

wow, thats aquaman rlly? well i said achilles because he is pretty badass with a spear also, but never expected that xD

btw, the spear lunge i saw people saying that it doubles your damage, but when i see videos and see the damage is only 50% increase isn’t it?