Tree of Savior Forum

Necromancer & Sorcerer

Necromancer3 & Sorcerer2
what is a card to use for both summon?
sorcerer got 2 slot but only can summon 1 just like nerimancer?

You need Sorcerer 2 to ride the summon and use its skills.
The summons stack with the SPR of the moment you summon (so you can change the equipment after and they will remember the SPR of previous equipment) and update every moment the current magic attack of the weapon for damage.

Good cards. The best are Templeshooter, Netherbovine, Froster Lord and MArnox (but give Marnox to me XP), from what I saw in other posts. I may be wrong.

Sorcerer indeed has only 2 slots but the normal summon skill only makes the monster in the first card slot in the morellicon appear. You use Morph to change it to the second slot card.

You can only have 1 summon, 1 salamion, 1 shoggoth, 5 skeletons soldiers and 5 archers. Recasting the skills only make you summon them again and dispel the current summon.

For summons to be strong, you need a lot of SPR and magic attack on the weapon (blue gems and so on).

Sorcerer and Necromancers use different card types.

the shoggoth and summon also matter on the star levels of the card.
I think that is all I know.

thanks alot but any idea Necromancers on 4 cards? Marnox too ex cannot get yet

As far as I know, only the 1st slot in the necronomicon matters, while the others do nothing. Best cards are Legend Bazelmancer and Gray Golem(?). At least that’s what I have heard from other players, so I may be wrong.

And for sorc’s summon, if Marnox is too expensive for you, Froster Lord, Netherbovine and Templeshooter are the indeed the best. I’d recommend Templeshooter out of those 3, because it deals Missile type damage, which means it gets increased by necro’s decay debuffs.

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okie thanks a lot
Gray Golem hmm i seee


Kubas or Legend