Tree of Savior Forum

Necro pet bug help!

if monster is to long it can atk evil spirit normally 3 - 5 hit but now just 1 hit

wow its amazing!))

Congratulations for the Dev Team, you bring nothing really good in a patch, but bring to us bugs!! Ridiculous team HAHAHA


This is a plot to get rid of all the afk necro scum!


Next plot: bug market to get rid of RMT

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Next, Next Plot: Bug the game to get rid of players… Ops, already done :x
#BugOfSavior #WePlayItAnyway #NoHarmIntent T^T

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HEY IMC I’m a necromancer ,
Skeleton is bugging how necro can alive?
We still got Summon but how about repair shop?
We can play on our own but the repair shop is bugged how we can play with broken weapon and armor?
This is Big Issue please fix it asap instead of making fking tp cube.
Wtf game bug not even fix yet but you guys still trying to make more bug!
I’m seriously disappointed for you, IMC.

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Hello everyone! We just made an announcement about a temporary maintenance. :muscle:


thx IMC for the fix)
Have a nice day ^^

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Thanks for fix this :+1: