Tree of Savior Forum

My game has a WHITE SCREEN, but it has a sound

I have the following problem, as soon as I run Tree Of Savior, the game gets white screen, but I hear the sound, I see the mouse cursor and movement, and when I pass in the middle of the screen I hear the sound as if it were selecting something , But it stays on this white screen and does not exit, I tried several things, I reinstalled the game and still continue with this problem, observation the game screen does not close as the reported error of other players, it only turns white, without image.

I tried all these basic tutorials and none of them worked, unlike some events with other crash players, my game opens with sound, I see the mouse cursor, I can even enter the server, but it has no image, only one screen White.

I meet all the requirements for the perfect use of the game, my internet connections are also perfect. Everything is verified, I believe that the problem is something more complex, everything I was asked to do on the other ticket, I have done several times.

If anyone knows how to solve it, I will be eternally grateful.

can i ask of you what is your OS (operating system) like winxp, win7 win10 etc?

I’ve seen few cases similar to this issue, perhaps this one could work.