Tree of Savior Forum

My FPS on 5 different systems

I have Civilization 5 btw.

That is because games like Civilization 5 is poorly optimized. Even people with i7 processors get horrible loading times and AI turns that last a million years. That is to do with the game coding in itself.

For Civ, it doesn’t matter what kind of CPU or GPU you have. The game will run like crud either way. For games like Advanced Civ… are you kidding me? Are we going to talk about how Starcraft Broodwar is more CPU reliant than GPU now? Might as well start talking about checkers.

You literally took a horribly optimized game and tried to make an example out of it. It shows how ignorant you are.

Tree of Savior is not a 2D, turn based or strategy game. It’s a real time 3D MMO.

Seems odd that your performance would be so bad. I have an AMD FX-8370 and R9 390 running maxed at 1080UW and my fps is 30-150 depending on the area, avg is about 60. Leads me to believe ToS is very CPU heavy and is more dependant on core count rather than clock speed.

What if i told you that i play with 4 FPS all the time in dugeons? Well, at least for me there’s no unplayable FPS (beyond 0).

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Do you guys turn VSync off?

ToS is heavy on the CPU usage and there is plenty that relies on the CPU in the game. I maintain 60fps most of the time but the towns I’m often like 40fps. Vsync on, 1440p, settings max. 290x, i7 5820k

The fact that you ignored Advanced Civ should tell you, that you are the ignorant one. Likewise, you are ignoring that the opponents turns in Civ 5 take longer the more calculations need to be done: by the CPU.

Not sure why your using i7 as an example. Because a decent i5 already gets good loading times and AI turns. Never mind that AI turns are directly related to the size and contents of the map.

But it would be to obvious to realise this I guess, so you ignore it.

GPU fanatic huh. Ignorant indeed.
Try running this game with a 980ti or titan x, using an i3, see how far you get.

I hope your atleast aware that the CPU handles the hard calculations…you know, the ones not related to creating those fancy graphics.

I used an i7 as an example because it has been proven that Civ 5 runs like crap, even on an i7. Do you want me to link you the Civ 5 benchmark tests or do you know how to google it yourself?

Again, you are the ignorant one. First you assume I have never played a Civ game which I have and now you think an i3 processor with a high end graphics card can’t get anywhere.

Wanna know my computer specs? I’m running an i3 550 with a GTX 960 FTW+ edition.

Wanna know my FPS? I’m averaging around 50~60 in the fields and about 30~40 in towns depending on the amount of players. Unlike you, who is making assumptions because you are ignorant, I on the other hand have tested the specs with my own computer and with my friends.

Any smart person upgrades their GPU first before their CPU. I will upgrade my CPU when it starts to bottleneck my GPU hard, but congrats on showing how uninformed you are about how CPU and GPU works.

Errr, I’m at 25% GPU usage 95% CPU usage and 40fps with 2xGTX970 in SLI

Something is wrong with your computer then. Although this game needs some optimization, there is definitely something wrong with your computer.

oh great that’s helpful lol - I actually resolved it by setting affinity on client_tos to not use CPU 0 - take that same screenshot when you’re surrounded by lots of people/monsters

If you can’t tell… I’m in the mercenary outpost.

Glad you figured out it was your computer tho. Could’ve sworn I pointed out the problem.

Yeah I realized what you were talking about though too.

You’re talking about overall CPU percentage, not core percentage. TOS only uses one core so if you’re over 25% in a 4 core machine then something else is using your CPU - when I say I’m at 95% CPU I mean on the first core of 8 - total CPU usage is low but it doesn’t matter. Unfortunately it looks like TOS isn’t multithreaded.

Can I use dx11 on Windows 10 (which uses dx12)?

The game is directx 9 only.

I see. So independently of which dx version W10 supports, the game will run in the version for that was made?

Yes. That is correct.
Rather newer DX versions support all older versions so that games that don’t use DX12 features will be able to run normaly. It’s like a compatibility mode.