Tree of Savior Forum

(Mostly) Solo PVE Featherfoot Build (Wizard C3 – Linker C2 – Runecaster – Featherfoot)

Can I see ur build? Pls.


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Is the bonus damage added to missile attacks after using Ngadhundi significant?

Never tested it, but @rhenan_d says it’s +100% missile damage.

magic missle is not a missle attack - missle attacks are most of archer skills

I can confirm that. Here, I made a video showing it.

Feel free to quote this post with the video to help people clarify that.

Stalker.rick, I was wondering what attributes for wizard circle do you focus on for your build? Do you level the cloth and armor attributes for example?

And with Dandel game for Linker C1, do you think it is still worthy to go for C2?

Thank you :smiley:

I upgraded cloth attributes to lvl33, but I think it was a waste of money because all it does is add 10 SP per level with no change in MDef. As for plate, it’s even worse - only adds a little bit of HP and stamina, which is kind of useless for my build that has 22k HP already.
Linker - well, if you have a gem, I think you could live without C2. I’m not so lucky so I liked that transition from 5 linked mobs to 8. Spirit Chain - well, I never use it, so I guess you could stay on Linker C1.

I have to make an important decision with my remade mage now (and god I have to say, how I love Sleep lvl 15).

I did Wiz3, Link2. Didn’t missed the pyro skills, but missed a lot the Thauma buffs.

I have to ask you @stalker.rick, how is your money consumption on runes?
Because with only 1 rank until featherfoot, I wanted to get a class that could perform well at only 1 rank. That got me to Necromancer and Rune Caster. But both consume itens on skills, and both (corpse potions and runes) are 500s each. Seems pretty salty.
The cooldown of the damaging rune spells seems quite long, so that means you shouldn’t be using them a lot, and consuming less of them I guess.
But necro skills are much shorter cooldowns, but is basically each 2 spells ,1 corpse potion. I have this illusion that always being at close range with featherfoot and being able to heal, Flesh Hoop would be a awesome skill. And linker is there to help Flesh Cannon do its job.
But I don’t know if I would be able to be near mobs so comfortable anymore since I dont have Swell Right Arm.

Also, Necromancer is a more safe option if Featherfoot2 (and the newer mage classes at rank 8) end up being bad. I could always go Necro2.

I understand your wish to have a class that only has 1 rank, I wanted it myself. Right now though, I think I might choose Sorc1 for the buffing cat (that also is said to increase AOE attack ratio by +5) or Necro (for extra dps) instead of RC. But well, circle 6 needs so much time and grinding that I’ll never try these alternatives.
As for money, I don’t think I spend a lot on runes as the cooldown is quite long and it doesn’t make sense using RoD on anything other than a large group of mobs like in 240 lvl Dungeon. Or maybe bosses.

I see. As much as I like Sorc, I think Sorc1 wouldn’t hold on by itself, that’s why I didn’t considered it. I ended up going Necro (yay corpses and blood, a gore character). Still class level 4, so its early to say if it was a smart choice but I sure welcomed the other damading skills that wasn’t magic missile.

Is pyro>wiz3>linker2>FF good or…?

I doubt Pyro1 would give you a significant boost in damage, I don’t know much about this class but the only times I thought about it was in boss fights when I didn’t have anything to link with the boss and wished I had a fireball (for +50% damage bonus to poison, earth and lightning from JP).

Hmm okay I will go rune caster instead… And about this build, is it viable in party play also?

Actually, I’d suggest taking something else as Runecaster isn’t so useful, maybe Sorc or Necro. Read more about these classes, I rarely use RC’s abilities.

Until 260-265 it’s good because of Linker, after 265 other builds are more required, such as pure supports or pure dps. This build is good for solo farming.

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btw I’m going the thauma route, is wiz2 really mandatory for a FF?

I made some compilation about featherfoot in general in this thread. Try checking it out,

I already read it and gave my comments a few days ago.

It is mandatory for efficient use of Blood Sucking. If you have any other means of preventing interruption like freeze or sleep or anything else, it is not. However, it is the most reliable way of using the full charge of Blood Sucking in solo gameplay.

You might go for Wiz2-Linker-Thau3-FF, for example.

@Ellyr since this is also a question on mechanics

I dont really recommend having a thauma on an FF build. Well this is due to the thing behind the synergy between decay and swell body. Although Decay only works on normal mobs and does not work on bosses, it is most effective on mobs with high hp. Usually high hp mobs are medium or large in size. I do not know if the combo works on large mobs as large mobs do not change in size. In such a case, does large mobs have an increase in hp? If the hp does not increase, it is not worth it to get thauma 1.

The reply was directed for him.