Tree of Savior Forum

Monk + diev or monk + priest (going for inquisitor)

Priest1, diev1 seems to do fine to me.

nah just use full support priest3-miko-taoist on ET

See that

Hello everyone, I donā€™t mean to hijack a thread by Iā€™ve been working on making a monk (because it looks fun to play) and I decided to go cleric 3 - paladin 1 - monk 3 - inquisitor. Iā€™ve done some reading and almost everywhere I look they say paladin 1 is a waste. I like having smite there as having another phys based damage skill doesnā€™t seem like a bad idea. The buffs probably arenā€™t as good as they could be by going higher. Am I gimping my character by going this route or should I stay the course and just have fun with it?

You are gimping your character, because any other cleric circle would bring more to you then paladin.
There are: sadhu, dievderby, priest, krivis, bokor.
All those bring more then a paladin.

HOWEVER, it does not matter what you take at rank 3 and 4 anymore, since cleric 2 monk3 and inq is all you really need to dps like a boss

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I see. So Pala 1 is garbage in that case. All right, thanks! I think Iā€™ll stick with Cleric 3 Dievā€¦