Tree of Savior Forum

Mob density and respawn rate is still *ridiculously broken*

I just want to bring back in to the light that the mob respawn rate (and density) is still horrendous.

I am one person, and I often find myself accepting quests in giant, empty, open spaces, waiting upwards of minutes for 1 single quest mob/item to appear. This is absurd.

You know the quest that requires you to kill 15 mobs in 2 minutes? This was actually one of the hardest quests I’ve done in the game yet, because there aren’t even 15 mobs alive in the vicinity. Add any form of human-controlled players in the vicinity? Forget about it.

When the game goes F2P, this needs fixed, badly. It’s absolutely the most noticeable bane of my leveling experience (145+) at the moment and it’s going to wreck the game’s reputation when this level bracket is full of newer free players.


The owl burial ground test? Use quest teleporters. Figured it out the third try. Or consult Google.

Want mobs so many so strong they kill you? Fullrun duns and missions.

Aside from the fact your post completely glosses over the entire problem…

I finished the mission, and I know dungeons have lots of mobs in them. Thanks for the tip.

Using quest teleporters just to finish your other timed quest? are you serious? Once f2p hits and that map is filled with other people questing is your quest teleporter going to help? Maybe, but that does not fix the issue.

well lets hope imc can fix this at all.
as far as we know the servers imc have cant suport more monster and players at the same time.

The issue with that area is I think most of the mobs spawn from walking around. Maybe remove the time limit on the quest or spawn some monsters there.

In any quest though that says do x thing in x location there is almost always nothing there on the higher level maps yet sometimes lots of mobs in other places. In higher level maps I frequently have to switch through channels to get things done. Still needs some fixing.

When swapping channels becomes superior to moving about a map for kill rate. You know they need to tune it up in such a “grindfest” type of game.

Let’s not forget that the only thing IMC has done so far:

-Took a DLC pack away from purchase due to fraud
-Added discounted DLC
-Removed Regional Pricing, not necessarily due to fraud but because of TP pricing that was brought to light due to fraud
-supposedly increased Field Spawn rate by 50% (Shown to not have any actual effect)
-Adding a 72 Hour restriction to new Accounts in regards to trade and market listing

What IMC has TALKED about in the past month but unable to deliver:
-Team Storage changes
-1:1 Non-Token restrictions lessened
-Respawns/Mob Density
-Optimization or smoother gameplay in general during large on-screen character events such as Field Bosses or GvG

Suspected still to address to do list:
-Other General Trade Restrictions
-Removing lower price limit on market place (As this doesn’t prevent RMTing in foreseeable way)

Overwhelming the trend is that they care about the money. Almost every actual action IMC has done so far is directly related to their RMT war and fraud. The supposedly Respawns rate increase felt much more like a placebo. The DLC discount is the only non-fraud related actual thing they’ve done this past month that had a positive result.

They’re slow as ass and haven’t done diddly squat unless it’s directly about money. Begs the question, what can they achieve in reality with any given amount of time, a month is fairly significant.


from the look of things IMC dont care 2 much for this game any more.they did fixed some small bugs but al the big problems (some from ICBT) didnt got fixed at all.

Mobs need to have a max respawn of 30 seconds maybe one minute for the big ones. A better rate would be 15 to 20 seconds per mob but if IMC actually implemented a good respawn rate it would probably kill their toaster servers.

Two part problem to this, first is that mob density for a lot of the mobs you need to kill for a quest is low, the second is a majority of the quests force you to kill those mobs in one specific circle on the map for it to count. I can understand something like that for quests where you need to kill enemies near a shrine that steals their souls or something, but there are a lot of quests where it doesn’t even make sense having to kill them in certain circle on the map. Generally all this does is waste the other of these mobs on the map, as well as funnel all players into one specific spot making it even harder to finish the quest due to so many players + limited channels.

I don’t understand why it’s such a difficult concept for IMC to grasp to just have specific quest monsters for each quest that requires you to kill something. What I mean is, have monsters that are completely separate from regular monsters, that are only flagged for a quest. These monsters provide no exp and don’t drop anything but any quest related items that they might have to drop. For example say you have a quest right now to kill 10 Chupacabra, instead of how it currently is where you have to kill those 10 chupacabra instead change it to kill 10 rainbow chupacabra. Rainbow chupacabra are quest specific monster created ONLY for the quest. This allows you to set certain flags like instant respawn somewhere else on map when one is killed. Would prevent monster population issues on stuff like these quest monsters while not effecting your other regular monsters at all. Since they can then also be set to not provide exp and not drop anything but quest related items then the instant respawn on death can’t be exploited for any kind of gain.

My little summary : Increase spawn rate or riot! つ ◕_◕ ༽つ

Wat ? U do not have faith in teh great imc overlord ? U filthy woodlouse !!