Tree of Savior Forum

Make the game difficult

Boss monsters needs a “auto-attack”, is the basic characteristic of a 2D MMORPG (2)

I’d have to say I do want ‘official RO’ grind. Never saw the point in the xp boosted unofficial servers. The more it takes to get there, the more worthwhile it can be.

And this is coming from someone that never got over level 50 in iRO : )

If you can ‘beat’ everything in a couple hundred hours (granted, a long time, but easily done in a year with even very casual play), then what do you do after that? Show off your gear to the lower level players that…oh wait, they just ‘beat’ the game too…now everyone’s the same and wondering what to do.

I like seeing player characters that are amazingly advanced compared to mine. Gives me something to look forward to and work towards. I also like having other player characters look at mine and say ‘oh wow, I don’t know if I could ever get there.’

We have plenty of games without a serious grind or challenge…and everyone ends up in basically the same spot, begging the game company to release new content.

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Beforehand I’d like to thank you guys for this discussion, it’s great and I think the community needs to talk about this and IMC could definitely take a lot of knowledge from this thread.

I also do think that Risk/Diffifuculty vs Reward need to have a proportional ratio. @Charon talked about having different ways to the same ending situation, and I think that this needs to be addressed:

  • Solo and easy grinding should have require less skill and effort, but give you less reward (at least EXP wise, not necessarily loot wise since some itens you need to gather a lot or specific stuff like RO had)
  • Group and Hard grinding should require coordination, and this should not only be a big part of the game socialization, but to FEEL like you are going on an adventure, it should feel compelling to go hunting and that you are actually progressing through your journey.

I also feel that death should have some kind of impact on this. The risk side of the equation should be so that it adds that chill in your spine. Try to picture RO. In the e.g you are a wizard going to kill Stings in Glast Heim. The journey alone is so troublesome that when you get there you want to make the best of it, and losing attention or dieing would be a pain in the ass. Being in a party with a priest and going to kill high orcs needed you to have a companion for this leveling process, and needed coordination to work.

What I’m trying to say is that Risk vs Reward should be a thing, and that progressing through levels should be compelling, none of this ‘it’s the end game that matters’ mentality that makes the game feel like a big chore.

I basically agree with what you guys said about Artificial Difficulty and the Bosses Issues.

Sorry for the long post, just have a lot of things in my mind right now.

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Risky areas with high reward where full party is neccessary.

Less quest only maps with almost no mobs.

Areas where mobs spawn AND there aren’t any quests so filthy casuals wont just kill steal to do their goddamn quest.

That’s all.