Tree of Savior Forum

Magical and Physical Block

Moin folks!

My experience with the stat-renewal is, that magical dmg is to easy to apply and in generell magical attacks are to strong compared to physical attacks. The reason for this are the different mechanics which physical attacks have to face. Physical attacks have a dmg range with min.attack and max.attack. Physical attacks can miss/be dodged. Physical attacks can be blocked. The full potential of physical attack are critical hits, which need a proper crit rate. So, the physical attack have to face 4 mechanics to apply the optimal damage.

Please let’s discuss the idea of magical block (SPR) and physical block (CON), which are both penetrated by DEX. What are the advantages and disadvantages? What are the oppotunities for balance and character building?

Save the discussion for when magic gets the same amount of choices, cooldowns and overheats as physical.

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