Tree of Savior Forum

Lycanthropy build help needed

Really love the Ideal of being a werewolf. Been reading the forums and looking at builds and was looking for some input from people playing druid or lycanthropy in the current meta. Was looking at cleric c1 Krivis c2 sadhu c2 druid c3 but the person who made it said that Krivis is bad now. Now I was thinking Cleric c2/c3 “Diev c1” sadhu c2 druid c3 int based. Now wondering if crit base would be better. I like the ideal of druid lycanthropy and sadhu combo. Any help would be great.

Diev is practically essential for Druid. They have an attribute that gives 20% damage to plants, making the total damage to plants 50%, and they have Carve Attack which further increases it’s own damage to plants. Diev 1 is fine, but not having Dievdirbys at all is a bad idea.

Cleric 2 is also pretty essential because of the way hp works in this game, you increase in max hp but you don’t gain current hp, you gotta heal before your max hp buffs mean anything and if you refresh a max hp buff, even if you’re full hp, you drop down to your original base hp. It’s a horribly stupid mechanic that needs to be fixed, but until it does you kind of need the extra heal tiles. On top of that, the cleric line in general severely lacks CC (Which is why you probably wanna waste 2 circles on SADhu) Cleric 2 has an attribute that turns cure into a decent form of CC by stagger locking the enemy, allowing Carnivory to do some work.

If you’re unwilling to drop Sadhu 2, that basically forces your build to be Cleric 2, Dievdirbys 1, Sadhu 2, Druid 3, and then the best thing you can pair with that in rank 9 is Miko. (At least IMO)

This should help [Class] Druid Class Thread.

Krivis hasn’t been good for quite a while, and its getting buffs in r9 but still won’t be the top pick. Aim for a cleric2/x/Sadhu3/Druid3 variant instead imo.

And ignore crit rate unless you aim for zealot2 imo, Lycan isn’t strong enough on its own to warrant it and most other skills you get (esp as a sadhu/druid) are matk based and thus can’t crit.


You’re not helping tbh.

The diev plant attribute only works for physical dmg, though diev1 is still a decent option for most builds.
Sadhu isn’t for the cc, it’s for the dmg. Most mobs can be lured with ease into Carni already.

And Miko has very little synergy on such a build, you’re far better off with sadhu3’s transmit prana and hengestone double dipping your spell dmg.

thanks for the response. Been reading druid thread and thinking of wolfy’s cleric2/priest/Sadhu3/Druid3 after rank 9

That’s all damage and super PvE focused, if you build for PvE you basically just turn a “Normal Mode” game into an “Easy Mode” game, yea it makes your runs faster but that’s just grinding so you can grind faster, weak.

I know ToS PvP is ■■■■, and it lacks PvP overall but I will always talk PvP, because it’s the one thing worth doing, it’s what separates MMOs from console games. If you want PvE just go play Tales of _____ or Golden Sun, amazing games with PvE and story focus.

Instead of accepting that ToS PvP isn’t worth it, I will build for it and encourage more PvP. Anyways nobody has to follow my advice but my advice will always be PvP focused. PvP is what matters in an MMO.

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Cute deflection, but regardless of PvP/PvE focus your advice was simply crap.

  • Miko’s doesn’t offer much for pvp ever since Gohei got nerfed to only 1 r1 debuff and 1 r1 buff removed per use. Hamaya is quite nice, but it’s unusually small dmg circle, which by design are rubbish for PvP.
  • Most druid builds rely considerably on dealing damage through AoE circles, which is sheer suicide to try in PvP with such a build due to how easy it is to avoid them and how common anti tile skills are there.
  • Druid1 variants can do decently in PvP due to telepath, but again that’s can’t be used during Lycan/Transform.
  • Going Druid3 also means you can’t yet get Oracle1 or PD1 for the usual PvP protections vs magic/conditions. And by r9 getting those means you lose out a lot of dmg for a subpar PvP build. Which is why most druid3 are focused around PvE.

You’re free to try such builds out for PvP if you want, but at least try to hint that such builds are designed solely for PvP.
Well, that and ensuring that PvP advise is actually worth a damn, that’d be a good start too.

And not all servers even have enough folks atm for the TBL style PvP, at least its common for people to shout for others to Queu on Fedimian. (And to complain about wait times ofc.)

If you go Druid3 purely for PVP you are already making a poor decision. The class is so easily countered by any other cleric with oracle in their build, which most PVP clerics opt for. Since your gameplay has to resolve around Chortasmata, you stick out like a sore thumb and all any team has to do is move away from it and bam you are useless.

Actually connecting with the majority of Werewolf skills in a PVP environment is dodgy at best, and at high ranks pretty much a joke.

That being said, Diev is hardly essential for Druid PVP, and only fits if you plan to go Diev3 for ausrine. Sadhu and Priest builds are more popular for pvp druids.

Not caring about pvp atm

I won’t bother with all of that but for Miko + Druid there is some nice synergy. (It’s not my first choice btw, he just doesn’t have room for Bokor, so no point going PD rank 9, Miko becomes a great second choice)

Miko bring 2 attacks, which is something you kind of lack as a Druid, especially during Transform where most attacks you can get aren’t worth it. On top of that clap extends Dievdirbys statue, which may not need it due to the fact that they can be killed, but if they’re not being killed, it’s a big help. Lastly Miko can sweep causing your Sterea Trofh to gain an extra second, whenever the skill gem finally gets added that’ll be 19 seconds of invincibility. Yes Reversi and such should be considered but still 19/30 seconds you’re invincible vs most classes.

Let me just add that Reversi won’t reverse Sterea/Carnivory, just the grass. So it’s still your damage and defense. As much as Sweeping + Sterea Trofh sounds really good. The thing you’re actually increasing is the grass’ duration, not Sterea, so lol.

@Wurmheart is right. I thought about doing Miko on my Druid, but it sucks since Clap is only for Diev statues, which also doesn’t help much in PvP ( Ausrine has charges. ). Gohei is good but the fact the you need to be close and HOPE that the enemy isn’t filled with buffs ( If they cast Ausrine/Defensive buffs first, then spammed other buffs. It’s most likely the other buffs will get removed first. )

I never took Diev in my Druid even with the Rank Resets I used ( and never will I touch it ) because it’s just doesn’t work well with Druid anymore, since how PvP goes nowadays. After Ausrine and Sterea, now what?

I’m going to be honest:

I don’t care for the magical wolf.

My build is mainly a double punch build shooting for 15k+ per crit per punch but my build is incomplete so it’s not going to be finished any time soon but most of these forum builds are either boring af or depend on certain gears to be useful so just try out different things. I totally understand asking questions, but in the end you WILL look at these builds and shake your head as you respec.