Tree of Savior Forum

Looking for other players:) Playing alone kinda sucks >.<

Well, for European time, I mostly play during the late evening and early night (from 11pm on) . Mainly during the weekends and then a lot. :slight_smile:

Why u deleted hunter? Mine is 150 :cc

Btw ma playing on orsha :confused:

Wellā€¦ I might create a peltasta hoplite together with my gf, whoā€™ll create n priest to get an ultimate autoattack team xD

But with swash buckling it may need a while until all mobs are dead and an elementalist might come in handy :wink:

And btw, weā€™re from Germany.

Omg. Someone that donā€™t complain about having done wrong choices and asking about a rank reset! He also has actually deleted the character he deemed to be failed.

I can only applaud you.
Good luck finding a group to play. I myself, was looking for a group and might have found people.

Edit: Sorry, the way I wrote my first sentence was weird. Rewrote it.

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Iā€™m from Germany too :slight_smile:
Iā€™d love to join.
Whatā€™s your steam / ingame name/s?

Hi :smiley:
Well, MMO classes are for trying and finding out what suits you best (RPG!) and also to be experienced in your class, thatā€™s why of course making mistakes and rerolling is ok and probably even wished. I guess. :smiley:


I respect you for that!
Also Iā€™d love playing with you, but Iā€™ll start on Fedimianā€¦

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I kinda had that feeling already!

Sei und Drops sind die Namen :wink:

I am on Fedimian as well. Just tell me your steam name, Iā€™ll add you after getting home :smiley:

Ich adde euch sobald ich daheim bin :slight_smile:

I havenā€™t bought anything from Steam yet, so I canā€™t use some facilities such as friend listā€¦ So itā€™s useless.

However, if you want, Iā€™ll send you a PM with my character name sooner or later if you are still playing.

Lol Iā€™ve read ā€œKlaipedaā€ up there :joy: Sorry

Die neuen charas sind aber nur Teilzeit Projekte, die meiste Zeit verbringen wir nach wie vor auf unseren GroƟen. DarĆ¼ber hinaus lohnt es sich nicht so sehr vor lvl 50 zusammen zu questen, da hƤlt man sich eher noch gegenseitig auf ;p

This. We need more player like you. You are the hope of the community. If only some people could follow your exampleā€¦

You are way too bright, you have not been corrupted by the community. We need to preserve this endangered species of player.

Unfortunately, I am not German but if you want, we could add ourselves as friend in Fedimian and play together once in a while.

Edit: @Seiryuu
Seems like I meet you again. Also bored and browsing on the forum? Haha.


Well. Yeah. ToS prohibition makes me, OMG what to do with life now!? Letā€™s browse in the forums and lecture people harharhar :imp:

Haha, exactly. Truth is, I have more important things to do but you knowā€¦Lazy and procrastinating as always x)

Edit: And I seem to be a victime of your ā€œfunā€ by lecturing people with the team name stuff :o

haha :smiley: Well, I played euRO, GW and WoW for long times and was always very sad when my entire guild was suddenly away. Still, I have awesome memories and they brightened my childhood!

You surely can add me!
May I get your steam name? :slight_smile:

My character name is Eldryn so feel free to add me :slight_smile:
On steam, I call myself Coco Grey

EuRo is auch schon 11 jahre her fĆ¼r uns. (Wir haben uns eigentlich sogar da kennen gelernt <3)
Damals in der lustigen fungilde Infernal Mercenaries

OMG wie witzig! Ich kenne Leute noch von der Zeit davor und war zeitweise auch in der Gilde!

Oha was. Ehhā€¦ Ich hieƟ damals dort Osafune und sie Rei/Kaoru, wenn ich mich recht erinnere. Usa war glaub ich die leaderin.

Gah is das schon lange her. Naja ich hab mitgenommen was mit wichtig war: Kaoru xD