Tree of Savior Forum

Looking for insight with my Cryomancer/ Elementalist build

Hello Everyone,

Decided to change, from the build I originally posted, to make a PvE Build: Wiz C1> Cyromancer C3 > Elemental C3

This is a bit further then i am currently with my build:

After Talking to others and testing with my current build, I feel like the Subzero Shield just Isn’t cutting it. Feels to me like those are wasted Points that could be put into a damaging spell. I feel This would allow me to do more damage with what little spells I have, at the cost of a spell I hardly need or use right now.

So here is a path I’ve worked on after playtime with my current build and learning how certain area of effect spells work.

I would Like your feedback! Thanks for your help, and eagerly awaiting your responses.

my 2 cents:

wiz: reflect shield isn’t so useful (dmg mitigation is low and doesn’t scale well), lethargy the is the same. You could leave lethargy at 1 and take 4 points in energy bolt since it will be your primary dmg source and is useful later because of low cooldown. I would also advise sleep over reflection shield (because CC skill are useful no matter what your rank/level)

rank 6: im not so sure about C2 sorcerer. Haven’t played CBT, but what I’ve read is that summon shaggoth from necromancer is more useful than anything in sorcerer C2.

Regarding stat distribution, if you plan on going sorcerer, don’t invest much in SPR since summons drains a set percentage of your mana pool every second (but necromancer doesn’t!). So if it is higher you are gonna lose more SP per second which is harder to replenish with pots. Given this, if you plan on PvE mostrly, I would go full int and add CON as needed to survive attacks (maybe 5:1 int/con). If you intend to PvP, then CON is a lot more important and you may even consider a full CON build. INT status also increase dmg with your summons (both sorcerer and necromancer). By the way the biggest issue with having both your summon and shaggoth active at the same time is collision on narrow spaces, since both are pretty huge.

Also I have no idea on rank 7, too little information about available classes and usefullness at the moment.

You’ve written “decent area of effect damage”, which I think your build accomplishes, while also having good support / auto attack with summon. But for awesome Area of Effect Damage elementalist is the way to go (C3).

Err Take a look at t82568672489 Wizard guide around.

So what you suggest is to go necromancer over summoner?
Havent played around with other forms yet so i’ll take a look into it. If i do decide to go Necro instead, Would you change any other parts of this build?

Where is this build at on these forums or TOS Fan Base?

I’m Curious about what happens at Each Rank. R2-R7, What does it do to your Class / Circle that you pick at those levels?

Take a look at this for your Wiz skills. Reflect Shield has been nerfed hard, so you could even take Energy Bolt 5 over it if you prefer (for quicker casting).

Flare is a meh skill for Pyro, you are probably better off with Fireball.

Stone Curse isn’t very good. Elementalist without Wiz3 does a lot less due to their cast timings, and scales amazingly with extra Circles. I recommend dropping that Ele rank and going for either Pyro2 or Linker2.

Be aware that the Summon Servant will fill your buff bar and that of your party with crap, so you may quickly run out of buff slots. It is also quite a nuisance to cast, there can’t be monsters attacking, you have to stand still.

For stat spread, Wiz gets very poor HP scaling regardless. SPR is a bit of a waste stat atm for most people. To go around mana problems use gear and potions while managing your mana. Just get enough CON not to get 1 shot by bosses in dungeons. Everything else should go into INT. My current split is almost 10INT:1CON, and all my SPR comes from gear.

Thank you very much for your info!

Completely changed my original post to the now Cryo / Ele Build and looking for a helpful discussion with others.