Tree of Savior Forum

Looking for Advice for Corsair/Ninja Build

Hello, I’ve been looking through quite a few threads on Ninja builds and Corsair builds separately as well as seeing a few combination builds of the two. I also want to say that I also have another swordsman going Sword1>Pelt1>Hoplite3>Dopp1>Dragoon.

I want to have a build where I can go Cor2>Shinobi whilst also doing Pelt1 for parties. So it would look something like:

I’ve seen builds that go hoplite2 for that, but since I’m already making a spear user for my first swordsman, I wanted to know if there was an alternative? Like would Barb2 be viable for late game? Should I drop 1 circle in corsair or altogether? Any and all suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

still hop2
because of spear lunge that gives additionl dmg to pierce atk

corsair/shinobis skill strongest is pierce so…

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I see… So the benefit of pierce bonus as well as finestra outweighs anything else another class can provide? I can understand having that synergy between the three classes, but since Finestra gives you crit for free, I don’t see that a dex build being viable since I know that some Ninjas go Dex for Clone health.

Would going Barb2 be that much worse than not going Hop2? It would give them alot more aoe potential since Corsair is mainly single target and Ninja’s main move is as well. Not to mention Barb having 2 buffs as well. Also, I think since Ninja is still pretty new that one the clone attack bug where it doesn’t used other attacks other than swordsman is fixed, that pairing it with barb will make it quite deadly in terms of aoe.

Also barb doesn’t lock you into just using spears.

i think its better if you ask here