Tree of Savior Forum

Looking at the economy

Just not in human money.
Do you know that medieval lords paid their soldier with monthly rations of foods to their families?
Farmers in the past paid their taxes in portion of their products or grains but not money.

I agree. Except the orc. Why does the orc have the human societies currency. Can the orc walk into prontera and buy stuff xD

Im also assuming evil lord isnt my boss cuz he does have a cash cheque

Really using the “it’s not bots, it’s players that use them” argument?

Please, let’s be real, as long as there’s bots, there’s gonna be bot users. And bot users are gonna have more money if nothing is done, and prices aren’t gonna come down. Bots are like cancer, you’re never really sure they’re gone, you never know when they will come back or how hard they will strike or how long they will stay.

Let’s make it hard and risky for people to bot.


Could always add a captcha feature for when someone on for 3 hours or more with constant activity. Not afk

Dude this is a game. Please leave logic and real life out of it.

■■■■ these captcha things, why does everyone think these annoying awful things are good. There are better methods then these lazy ass things. Im not gonna bother going over the cons because it is in 100 threads already.

It sux to see bots and not to be able to report them ingame… Just my ktos experience - bots are soooo evident there. Ro bots are einsteins in comparison with them…