Tree of Savior Forum

🔥 List of new items/recipes with monster/location [before 1st Hunting Grounds patch only]

according to this list the boots, armor, and legs drop from (Lv 230) Sjarejo Chamber and the gloves drop from (Lv240) Netanmalek Mausoleum. check it out to see which mobs drop what. plate armor = Desert Chupacabra.

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Andesium for swordie recipes at catacombs mission


dang they must have recently patched that in cause I been farming catacombs for the rocktortuga card for a while now. guess I will have to start killing the regular mobs again.

if the candle spiders have a chance to drop Andesium too then here is a tip: don’t destroy the summon scrolls too fast or sometimes the candle spiders won’t spawn.

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I have been farming catacombs a lot for the turtle card too. Need to finish my SP recovery card set. So many rank 8 mobs are earth, I will have that card.

Haven’t dropped andesium during candle spider assault. Just rafflesia flowers. Candle spiders drop a lot of Wax.

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Could you please list the name of monsters which drops Manahas Set? I just can’t find these forests here…

Old image. I did not bother to update it with names,


Mollogheo forest, mishekan forest, inner wall district 9, lhadar forest. There are fixed spawn points.


@greyhiem could you share the spawn points?