Tree of Savior Forum

Let's just Imagine

Just imagine that your are an elementalist circle 3 playing with friend and that after 5 - 7 use of your “frost cloud” , your skill stop dealing damage,

Imagine that you are a fletcher and your “magic arrow” after used less that 10 time don’t deal any damage, or a dopple, your cyclone stop working for an illimited time until you relog.

Just imagine you are a cleric doing earthtower and after using 8 heal on the floor your team is not being cured. Your only way to make it work is to relog each 5 to 6 floors of earthtower.

Imagine that you play chronomancer and after using 5 - 10 pass on your party your team stop getting the cd reduction effect form your main skill.

And now what if I say to you that the last example is true and has been reported for more than one month in different topic and personnaly to gamemasters, with absolutely 0 answer from them.

You think that’s a issue that might be solved asap ? Well you are wrong. The best use of this skill it’s on the only rewarding end game content of the game blocked at level 13, because of a one month existing bug ; also being reported also being ingored.

Now Im not a progamation expert or game developpement but more that one month it’s kinda odd to fix an issue like this.

So here is my question :
IMC, are you planing to work on the pass bug and earthtower 13F crash before the increasing population of the game decrease again after you implement all kinds of gatcha RNG loots mandatory to be gear competitive ?


Fletcher checking in, magic arrow works just fine. All good.

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I think you need to go see a doctor for skill disfunction :blush:

maybe they can give you some blue pills :yum:

oh! I love this “imagine this” threads :3

my turn my turn…

Imagine that the Staff has Psychic powers and can find this thread under the other 200 threads that are posted constantly just by saying IMC…

wouldn’t that bee cool like BANG IMC Staff is instantly teleported to this thread in the middle of nowhere just cause we said so…

no @, no nothing, bang instant teleport :smile:

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there is nothing competitive in this game. bring more gacha because how else will IMC get funds to continue development?

Zalciai also stops working after one time.

Your BS is too obvious though.



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They can get gachas but they will take like 1 year to fix this kind of things. Remember corsair pillaging? The bug is still here. You get lots of clovers and sometimes get laggy. Kakaka

Bug fixes don’t bring in the money.
Gacha does.
Those who still play have already sunk in too deep to stop playing.
While the cash cow are frothing over the costume gacha and soon to come p2w gacha.



Elementalist checking in, Frost Cloud works just fine. All good.

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He said examples. And only the last time example is true. Peace

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Not just Pass . All buff like Haste , Quicken too.

ET 13F and Overheat Skill still buggy.

Imagine being a priest and seeing people corpse slide away after they died, thus forcing you to rely on the minimap if you want to resurect them.
Now, imagine an instance without minimap :>


Same for many other skills. I’m receiving less and less kitty buffs on my sorcerer until I relog. Reflect shield stops working.

So they broke buffs globally with R8 update and didn’t fix it after 1 month.

Also, pets gone full retard. Hawk that is derping somewhere in a wall and start circling after 20-30 seconds when your party have already killed the mob is not cool.

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Yeah buffs in instances are buggy, they start to fail after some time. If you only did missions or rushes you probably won’t experience most of the buff problems.

I experienced a kitty problem in storage/abbey. Another wizard was curious why the hell he cannot get his own reflect shield buff after some time in storage.