Tree of Savior Forum

Leticia Cubes, really? [kTOS update]

Can someone who actually plays on kTOS say which recipes are included? All 315 recipes or just some of them?

I followed the link in the other thread and from the google translate I don’t see Astra Bow listed.

i totally agree with this guy, i dont mind the leticia cubes at all. i think its only fair that IMC needs a way to make money too. theres a lot of financial overhead in order to run this game. the game is free to download and tbh the practonium isnt really P2W, the developers have made it available in game without even spending any hard earned cash, it just requires you doing the practo quest / do a guild raid / or just buy with silver from grinding on the market. i was able to buy (trade) my first practonium after crafting bracelets, selling cards, random loot.

It’s coming

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Finally! Credit card warrior can now indirectly buy end-game weapons. Extra layer of RNG to milk them more :grin:

You know for a little while they got the population climbing again… I’m not sure things like this are going to maintain population growth. Maybe IMC is just making bank with these things and it’s just easier and cheaper then trying to grow the population by testing their events and patches. Instead… just milk the population that sticks around because they got thick skin and fat wallets.

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YES! never again 200k shard, this time it will become below 100k per shard

Hm, this box is different from KTOS one. Is it real the 2 prac only recipes? Look this one is the corean one. The name is “Worthy Weapon Recipe Box (Lv. 315)” and its description says:
You can choose recipes that can produce 315 equipment with less material. Right click to use.

The one from our cube does not match…

I really think IMC is trolling us!!!

gotta milk those whale man.

I await the saltstorm of the forums


for god’s sake stop overreacting. It’s just a box that contains random NORMAL orange recipe.

now the question is if this will reduce the market price for pract or not

We will wait white mouses whales to proof them.

Yea, this box is different from the KToS one. There’s no guarantee the level 315 recipes in it are the ones that don’t require the level 300+ zone materials.

(if it’s just the normal orange weapon recipes… wow, what a trap)

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I dunno… every time the game changes the value of things change. what if IMC does something with shards like makes them not drop 100% of the time? that would piss people off and affect the prices.

It’s the whales that inject money into the game so you can continue to play it, my dear.

This is the answer.

The cubes are still complete P2W ■■■■ but we can at least rest assured it won’t bring the 2-practo-only recipes to iToS.

goodluck with that answer XD … you know “copy paste” patch.

have you seen any Artisan 315 Recipe shout lol?

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