Tree of Savior Forum

Last straw and probably a goodbye

Last I seen he was going to play a new Ragnarok Mobile…

Apparently i need to quit. Thats what all the cool kids are doing now a days.

Zipzo was cool? No offense to him, he just mostly hated the game before he left. If you hate something, you should leave. I would.

However I’m not gonna lie and say we aren’t losing folks left and right. Hell plenty of people on the forums have actually quit the game already. I haven’t even had the motivation to do more than some dailies and dungeon runs then log off. I won’t mention who but I am seeing a lot less of my favorite faces around the forums, too.

No i argued with Zipzo frequently but saying “all the cool kids are leaving” is nicer than saying all the twats/assholes are leaving.

fair enough. Im still here because i have mixed feeling for the game. They started removing trade restrictions which made me put a little faith in them again but true to IMC fashion last patch they put more back in :unamused: Some of the worst things are done with the best intentions.

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I think the original comment was mostly directed on the entitled attitude of thinking you represent the community rather than your own personal taste.

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…I thought someone liked Zipzo. Forgive me. xD I know he had at least one or two fanboys, me thinks… I’ll be fair to him and say he was really optimistic when the game came out, he just became angry as a lot of people have.

I definitely am not leaving but I suppose I am on a semi-break. I waited for four years on this game, I can wait a bit longer to see it improve. I’m hoping they are just keeping the details to themselves while they work them out and I’m gonna log in one day to see a huge wall of text of fixes, optimization, and positive changes.

Praying… xD


The best way to play at the moment is with friends only. That’s what I do (+ dun90 rushes).

With Zipzo gone someone has to take up the mantle as angry ■■■■■■■ and i am a good candidate for that.

I WILL CONTINUE Zipzo’s work!!!

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On a side note do you know how to put a poll in a post?

I tried to look it up as I seen some people with what looks like ToS forums based polls, but no idea. You could use a polling site.

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I think its safe to say that IMC_h8r is most likely not their real forum account.

Imb4 IMCisGreedy/IMC_h8r is zipzo

Maybe try again when the closed beta ends.

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awe were bonding :blush:

  • Drogon
  • Rhaegal
  • Viserion

0 voters

Thats not fair Drogon is the poster boy. The other 2 have been locked in a basement forever.

I know nothing about GoT, but time to vote for the underdogs!