Tree of Savior Forum

Last account ban list 12th may 2016

nowadays no more account ban list? last was 12th may 2016…

they are working on something bigger. thats obvious. or they are dealing with business problems that trump bot problems… you dont really have to ask why, let your imagination soothe those thoughts with, “we cant go outside and play right now because we paying bills”… maybe they are tighting their belts, and wearing their ties, dealing with ■■■■ that you rather not care to know they are dealing with… maybe they are pulling their pants down for papa smurf… who cares the reason… just know that something is obviously taking their time away from making bot bans an issue.

they are a dying breed in telsiai server cause they cant make new accounts lol

most of the ban-lists were published by Julie…
since Julie is no longer there, no one is publishing the ban-lists.

i would assume that bots and such are still being banned, there’s just no one bothering to publish a list.

that really sucks, no one else is bothering to make a list anymore?

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