Tree of Savior Forum

Lancer - The cataphract v2

He meant 1 rank “at the moment”, or 1st circle only (compared to Dragoon circle 2).

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Yeah, as @Biskee said, I was referring to the comparison of Lancer to Kino as a PvP class, except Kino usually goes C3, and Lancer’s PvP kit is unlikely to improve too much in later circles. You could, hypothetically, take dragoon c2 later on and still enjoy the dispelling, mouth-shutting goodies Lancer has to offer.

Lancer is a PvP oriented class (the unhorsing doesn’t even affect mobs) so it is expected that the DPS is lower.

You can’t be god at grinding and top PvP at the same time, unless you are wizard.

There is also the question of new earth tower stage. Does it need more aoe or single target?

So few answers so many questions …

For ET you need sustainable AoE DPS. Well, figure a pack of mobs has 500k HP or more.

With R8 I think the best party for ET would be 1 healer 1 cryo-chrono-sage 1 pelt-rode-murm and 2 SR3

Makes sense. But remember when people would say fletcher is only for PVE or that PD is only for support? I’d hate it when Goon2 even outclasses Lancer in terms of PvP effectiveness if that’s the case.

Well, I expect a damage scale down for dethrone in PvP soon. It deals 16k damage (after reduction), 2 times, bind targets, and 16s cooldown. Yes Dragoon 2 will insta-gib anyone in PvP just like archer now, and it shouldn’t.

u saw some dragoon 2 pvp video? share link plz. New earth tower stage too plz.

16k in pvp sound like the damage went unchanged unlike all the old skills (which get huge reduction in pvp mode). I would consider a bug (or oversight), but maybe imc consider it a feature.

originally when i considered dragoon vs doppel, i wanted gae bolg to be good ranged atk. If dethrone live up to that dream (imagine gvg, 4 dragoons aim the same spot against a team… that would wreck), i may just roll a 2nd swordman for dragoon.

Well i mean its not hard to imagine dethrone would be good in pvp. W/o a nerf im confident the dgoon2 could win vs lancer ez.

where does the bind target come from lol, I thought it was just blind.

Hmm. Still detrone though. And silence atks and kd normal atks. Lancer is for purely pvp clasa. Dragoon2 is pve and half pvp of lancer.

In my build though.dragoon2 is the best way to go.but I like lancer…:tired_face:

It appears you’ll need at least Hop2 (for Spear Lunge debuff) and Dopel1 (for DoV) to be a high-DPS dragoon2. Not having both, or just 1 of both, could make you a non-optimal Dragoon2 because the rank seems to be built around maximizing DPS (like how Fletchers are recommended to get a least 1 rank in Ranger for Steady Aim).

This means that for Cata3 builds, you won’t have the option to take either Hop2 or Dopel1. If you force Goon2, you’ll become half a dragoon compared to pure DPS goon2 builds, and will miss out on the CC/defensive/anti-magic arsenal Lancer brings.

I think I would agree with OP that Lancer is indeed the next version of cata3, whether you’re SwPelHop or Sw3. The class also still has 3 burst skills anyways so you’re not solely relying on cata skills to dish out numbers. Whatever you take at R7 is up to you, though I personally have decided that Goon1 is the most practical due to 2H-spear synergy from cata to dragoon to Lancer.

Lastly, if R10 is indeed the max rank, you’ll eventually get to fully maximize all 3 Lancer circles. I’m really liking this route: Sw3 Cata3 Goon1 Lancer3 - because there won’t be much power creep (new/different skills making lower rank skills obsolete/useless).

Not saying the PelHop route is bad though, but it’ll be tougher to keep and fully use low rank attack skills in the rotation especially on tight situations. Let’s hope they’ll allow Lancers to go 1H-spear and shield.

The translation says “non-moving state”, which is bind, not blind.

If lancer is anything like cata, the 3rd circle will have a super strong skill like rush.

Probably have to wait till next year december at this rate for r10.

Does lancer get a mount attribute?

yes. so technically dont need cataphract.

lancer isn’t exactly cata’s parallel though.

cata lets you use 1h spear with its skills, lancer doesn’t. it’s like a subset of cata.

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the point is, cata is not a requirement to turn lancer.

people can turn lancer whenever they want.

whether it will be good… i will let the brave ones to test that. I certainly dare not ruining a lv280 character.

yes but mounting without trot is like having a disability/handicap lol


Yep, an unmounted swordsman on dash, will be faster.

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