Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

Dethrone is a new skill, we knew it existed but we didn’t know what the hell it was suposed to do or how it worked.
Fencer need a Lunge overheat smhsmhmshmsh.

or several overheats.

I’d be fine wtih two, three would be amazing, more is a nono for balance sake.
In general Fencer lacks overheats really, Scept and Esquive could use some too.

Edit: I mean, yeah two 0cooldowns I guess but ehhhh.

I think swordman players are just complainers, swords are tank + utility in old RO days and nobody crys.
Now sword are tank, utility and do some dmg (Doppel/Cata), for me, is better than on RO.
(Former swordman here)


Did kToS get a patch on august.11, 2016? The last kToS patch was on July 28th, 2016 which is 2 weeks ago

Looks like most of the popular swordsman builds contained pelt for their rank2, and IMC goes and nerfs Pelt guardian. Lol well played IMC.

They announced that the maintenance would be delayed a week, but it’s goping to have Rank8 on it too now so yeah.

Ah RO Swordsman, what an hilarious shitshow that was wasn’t it?
I mean the overheats in Fencer I want for defensive purposes rather than DPS tbqh, but I guess the extra DPS is welcome.

There wasn’t a patch - just a routine maintenance, the 11th was supposed to be the rank 8 patch. However, there was some delays preventing them from deploying it that day - hence their early announcement about it before the 11th. They did apologize deeply for the delay.

swordsman isnt even bad, its dps is good, it has high health and surviviabilty, idk why ppl r so mad about it, sword isnt meant to do great dps, if anything cleric needs abuff they are the worst dmg class, has most buffy classe, and is the least popular (atleast on ktos), thats why whenever you see someone complain about swordy they always say “archer and wiz” never cleric.

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Problem being we have no tools to generate aggro (no swashbuckling really doesn’t help) and we can’t really hold aggro just relying on provoke against meta builds in extended fights once we reach the end game. Though I guess extended fights are kind of a small part of this game they still matter. If we are designed to be tanks, we should be able to do it in ALL cases with ALL builds

I don’t think you’ve partied with many good clerics who actually base their build around support/dps hybrids. Clerics can easily outdps most if not all meta swordsman builds. They can tank better as well in terms of damage management/mitigation, they just don’t have access to provoke

The reason why you don’t hear swordsmen complain about clerics but do for archers/wiz is because archer/wiz is more abundant and it seems that most clerics don’t build for DPS but for pure support late game. But I can assure you, they do exist


BlueByu is just infamous for his opinion that Swordsman is great and Cleric is ■■■■ based on his experiences with his rank 4 Barbarian one shotting everything.


But think about other stances, if swrodman tank, do damage and cc will be insane.

no, im just saying that swordman isnt a bad class.

As opposed to now, where Swordsman does… almost none of that?

Clerics can buff, debuff, CC, DPS, heal, tank with super block and magic immunity and invulnerability… but they can’t do all of that with a single build. Making Swordsman better wouldn’t mean you would suddenly have all Swordsmen be super DPS unkillable tanks that stun every enemy on the map permanently.

Just look at Wizards. Wizards are the strongest pure supports in the game and the strongest pure DPS in the game, but you can’t have both in the same build.


But we can’t tank. If IMC wants us to tank, give the entire swordsman branch tools to enable tanking because what we currently have isn’t enough.

Damage isn’t very good either (but can be at least passable with enough of an investment)

cc is irrelevant for the situations I was talking about too

I’ll give you one solid example. This isn’t me trying to like show off or anything but to illustrate the issue

This is my sustained 100% uptime damage, not burst or anything like that. (Yes, with provoke) and if the fight lasts longer than 3-4 minutes without fail I’ll lose aggro for the duration of the fight against a fletcher or SR2 or sometimes elementalists.

This issue is amplified further when you consider people who actually attempt to be classic tanks in this game - full con and taking “tank” specific classes.


Meanwhile as a Corsair my sustained DPS is plinking away at people with Double Weapon Assault doing slightly more than autoattack damage.

Oh, and DWA doesn’t even work with a pistol.

At least I can rule the economy like some kind of pirate-jew.

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what costume is that :3

EDIT: looking at it well… the school one right…

yes youre right

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If there’s a Corsair3 costume some day, all my suffering will have been worth it.

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Does anybody know about the patch when they finally released the monster card system in KTOS back then? Like did they add more dungeons and missions that enable some of the monster cards to be obtainable at the same time they introduced the card system? I was looking at the cards we’ll obtain or have access right now and it’s favoring wizards heavily (chapparition card). Since we’ll not get cards from quests anymore, the majority of the listed known cards will also not be obtainable.

I saw a video of some guys in ktos doing the Crystal mine fedimian mission and the bosses dropped cards, i did this mission after the merge and there was no card drops so i imagine that will be a way to obtain cards.

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