Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

You’ve got to be joking… That Pike is a piece of crap. Another case of where one-handed spear+shield wins out. -_- How is it the only weapon without Holy attack on it?

To be honest, I don’t really know. The KR database doesn’t list it as having any Holy Property Attack on it. I want to assume this is a mistake, and may be adjusted before actual implementation.

Given than the leather set is giving inteligence out of all things, Id expect a bunch of things to change.

Ty a lot for the translation.
These con stats, Im I seeing things? 0____0

Well when you give everyone bonuses with all types its not really surprising that there is an eventual Int benefitting leather set?

Now if we can get some cloth gloves with accuracy again…

bunny costumes when ;w;


So here comes a new post
"Make male raccoon costume つ ◕_◕ ༽つ"


I may have to reroll as a male wiz for one of my alts. That’s super cute. But the archer costume is love. Can’t wait.

Er wait, no I’m not going to dump money on costumes. Again… >>;

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What a wonderful game to be a male Wizard. :wink:

Hope Miko is not that cool, so I wont need to level a Cleric (or Archer, w/e it goes to), I already barely play my main… xD

No need reroll. oracle c3 service for u


I’m wondering now if there will be a costume with somekind of animal tail for all class branches… X)

@_@ i doubt that you’ll be able to equip the costumes though.

Swordsman Squirrel when?!

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man, might have to make another archer character just to miko if it isn’t compatible with my current archer’s class choices, love mikos

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We are not even sure which class type Kannushi and Miko belong to. I personally guess they are of Cleric type.

so just saying a good ign would be nekomiko

scramble you fools!

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now to sit in anticipation of C3 skills of existing classes.
like to see if falcon3 saves the falcon class because of the weak c2