Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

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Seem like Gravity pole color is changed from white to pink

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Whoops, totally forgot to include the new items added in game, and the TP rewards. will fix that too. :mag:

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WTF ET 20th floor cube
1st 20th floor cleared


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What is the additional awk that crossbow?

Dark property attack +33


hmm , mostly pvp balance in this patch :frowning:

Wait, so are pardoners only meant to help with already trivial content?

Thaaaaaaaanks <3

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If they kept that power of blessing in it’s current state in the shop, it would do what Barrier scrolls have done to paladins as a whole.

So that’s a “yes”? Pardoners are meant to trivialize already trivial content (for sure 1-100 and to some extent 101 onward)

I’d believe it’s to prevent pardoners from replacing 90% of another class.


Those eye lens reminds me of some yandere :cold_sweat:

I’ve updated the image gallery with the new cosmetic lenses. ( I took more pictures than usual ! )

I still need to get the school-look ingame ones done, but the server being taken down for an emergency has stalled me slightly


This say something about that manamana blessed stat

the enchantment might have been bugged, i saw a lot of people linking that same +18% buff, there was also some other bugs like chat not working properly. i guess this was very urgent again

So basically “New feature come with new bug” all over again…

it become 180% now

cleric_f_mns_skl_darksight.xml {Sound only} 09/06/2016 > {Full animation}
cleric_f_mns_skl_entrenchment.xml {Sound only} 09/06/2016 > {Full animation}
some changed into Trickshot skill animation

Don’t sure about this though


and here i thought 18% was op enough …