Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

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I can’t read koreans on the Inven site and G.Translate hardly makes sense. How long does it take to raise it and based on G.T, the feed only available on Guild Missions?

Do ktos recieve stat resets after major class rebalances like this? We only have skill reset in TP shop. Some rebalances like the bless skill is influenced by stats.

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Not really. Some go high int instead of high spr because of auto aspersion damage. And int gets 10% boost per rank so some prefer int and dropped stone skin completely. But now with this rebalance update, its almost mandatory for chaplains to max out bless.

Point me where I deny that STR worth more than before. :confused:

WUT? When did I?

Sometimes. This isn’t related to the game mechanics though.

For Chaplains, sure.

But that’s why they made it scale with INT as well.

They get stat resets through events, so I don’t think they really have much to complain about since they own stat resets.

Though IMC should give out stat resets on balances changes to affected classes, but since kToS doesn’t really have that issue, it isn’t necessary.

However, when we have the changes here, it does become an issue, and stat resets should be given out to classes that are affected from a major balance update. But I guess we have no reason to start complaining about this since we don’t have the balances in the first place. Who’s to say IMC won’t be giving out stat resets to affected classes when we get the balances to begin with?

They’ve done similar compensation for major balances previously, like a level 170 boost after the removal of centurion to affected players, etc.

150 more damage when your skill already hit 10k is not really useful. Yes it is free damage, but not noticeable.

The main reason is that your weapon damage and skill damage is too high comparing to STR

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But our final damage is level + weapon + skill + STR

For example I’m level 232, I have 390 STR, my weapon (2h spear) has 300 average damage.

I throw doom spike (1 hit, 1400 added attack)

Total damage (without multiplier, since multiplier scale everything) = 232 + 300 + 390 + 1400 = 2322

At this point STR contributes 15% of the final damage only.

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Level physical attack does not ask for any investment from you, it gets added automatically.
Weapon, you can change it anytime.

STR, on the other hand, asks for extreme amount of investment (I spent 180 levels adding to STR to reach that number) and if it goes wrong, you are screwed (until IMC sells stat reset, at least)

I did my calculation without the multiplier, but if STR contribute 15% before the multiplier, it will still contribute 15% after the multiplier. Because that’s the point of multiplier, it scales EVERYTHING.

Well, on a fairer calculation: dragon tooth add 500 damage per hit

So total damage = 232 + 300 + 390 + 500 = 1422

In this case STR contribute 27% total damage

Actually if we remove level attack and weapon attack, STR would worth more lol.

Sadly currently you get 120 attack from head gears easily, that really lower the need to invest in STR.

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Well I’m sorry, in that case STR contributes less than 15% then, my bad.

It took around 120 + 5 hours to raise
have to feed it every 8 hours with meat
adult guinea pig eat Alfalfa.

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I assume Alfalfa only obtained from guild event?

Yes from boss event.

Allright thanks for the info.

Oh and 1 more, while raising it, does it require normal companion food or Alfalfa too?