Tree of Savior Forum

kTOS General Thread (keep all in-game discussion here)

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I know, but whether the damage per level was increased by much or not determines how I’ll allocate my skillpoints. At +23 damage per level for a rank 6 skill it was a joke, +57 per level still doesn’t seem worth it.

Yeah but under 200% bonus thats 171 instead of 57.

korean tos Patchnotes?

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Hey guys, any Patch Notes?

(sorry couldn’t resist xD)

That’s true. I suppose that puts it on par with Targe Smash now, which is 75 damage per level with 3 overheat (225 total) and the same cooldown. I suppose with the lower high kick cooldown, shield shoving is probably better to level than Montano as well despite the lower damage.

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Just an insane idea: c1 Highlander?

Cartar is 4 hits with +50% modifier so it’s essentially 600% Strike in the AoE.

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It’s 0.5s cast time for the lv 1 Cartar, which is quite fast.

It also comes with 2 overheat and 21s cd, so eh.

I mean, you suggest 2 circle of Barb before Rode, meaning it’s going to be rank 5-7 Rode?

Whereas with c1 Highlander, he can go Pelt 1 High 1 Rode 3 and have rank 7 option available.

Still got plains for my Swordsman C3 - Rodelero C3 Stun lock monster but so many classes so little time. I like to still log in to kTos occassionally but I’m always wondering if these skill changes are going to replicate here.
I haven’t even created my real main yet (Peltasta), derping around with Sorcerer, Sadhu, Wugushi and Barbarian.

Its funny looking back on things now from when I started ICBT2, planning to be a tank and to have a Wugushi. Only made the Wugushi last month and haven’t played Peltasta in what 6?

So nothing yet of Archer Hidden Class?

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Update Preview 12/05/2016

  1. Gimmick updates. [Developers Post (KR)]
  • Also impacts the maps Ruklys Street, Evacuation District and another map.
  1. 2 More collection chests will be added to expand the team warehouse slots.

  2. The Guild Master transfer function will be implemented into the game.

  • Guild Master may be transferred to other Templar class players within the guild.
  • There’s a 7 day waiting time after transferring guild leader, during this time; guild leader transferring will not be possible.
  1.     Penguins food 'Sardine' will be available for purchase from the Companion Merchant.
  2.     37 New Crafting recipes for items will be available.
  3.     2 New 'Eye Colour' lenses will be added into the game.
  4.     New Costume for Quarrel Shooter 3 Class.
  5.     Skill Bug fixes & Balancing.

Preparations are also being made to allow TP Items to be transferred through the team warehouse.

/ thoughts ? :smiley:


It begins.

Who esle besides Quarrel gets a costume tho, come on IMC this ain’t fixing the fact that Archer doesn’t have a secret class.

Can anyone post a pic of the new color lenses ?

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Please, someone, post pics of the quarrel shooter 3 clothes!

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