Tree of Savior Forum

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Best female hairstyle so far.


Nah, i dont care about pelt and meta build. Going for swordman c3 for sure.

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Booo, another meta. Ignore it, just go for it!


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I have a C3 Sword Cata and a C3 Sword Rodelero.
Either way people are getting stunned to hell and back.

Here’s what I got from the usual client data mining.

  • Bunshin no Jutsu appears to be changed. The skill no longer says “creates x clones”, where x was equal to skill level. It now says “increases damage by x %”, where x is 10 times the skill level.
  • Two new instances, mission_abbey_uphill ‘Uphill Defense’ and mission_f_3cmlake_84 ‘lake mission’. Uphill Defense is available at level 120, and Lake Mission is available at 240, the latter being a part of the Saalus mission queue.
  • A bunch of TP related items. Light salmon hair color, featherfoot hair style (male), Silvia hair style (female), and swordsman 3 costume (male and female).
  • Bokor master now sells an item called a Zombie Capsule.
  • Glass Mole card changed from giving +[★]% physical attack for 10 seconds when using an SP potion to only lasting 6 seconds.
  • Manticen card changed from giving +[max★] movement speed for 5 seconds when using a Stamina potion to only giving +[max★/2].
  • Chapparition card changed from giving +[★]% magical attack for 10 seconds when using an SP potion to only lasting 4 seconds.
  • Nuale card changed from giving +[★] magical defense to giving +[★]%.

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sword 3 pelt cor 2 shinobi :smiley:

Cards change looks promising. I wish they bring some to iTOS soon

500% => 50%

So, Shinobi nerf? Like that class wasn’t already just a meme :smile_cat:

Maybe you don’t take 5 times extra damage anymore


Bokor here I come.

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that female hairstyle is a death flag hairstyle in anime :joy:

So now there there are +70% damage buffs with no duration, ya think Melstis builds will become a thing?

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I’m wondering if the Bunshin clone changes retains the x[skill level] damage taken, because while this makes it look like instant deeds, if the damage amp to self is still there then shinobi will get worse.

Wtf would happen to the Swordman synergy with Shinobi…
Unless…Its 50% on top of the clones? That would be too metal.

for the look of it, they my have changed the skill, to a 50% buff, so i believe it may work with every skill now.
this would work like, each clone does 10% damage of the original, but now they can use all skill, so it would be more or less = 50% buff.
but we need more information to know.

Oh, question for anyone with a sadhu over there.
If you get the mana pot buff then use Out of Body, does the Matk+ ever expire for the spirit?

It might not, since things like changing your equipment won’t change an already deployed OoB’s damage.