Tree of Savior Forum

[kTest[Ktos]] Class rework thread

It all depends on monsters CritResistances, as of now, according to tosbase (tosneet doesn’t state crit resist), Monsters barely reach 50. World bosses 70. Some 280+ monster have 10-20. If they don’t change monsters’ stats, it’d be like reducing critresist to 0 everytime. Which is pretty good imo.
The “invested stat” thing is weird, I don’t get it. Stat points and buffs give you invested stats, while gear gives you “non-invested” stats? That’s weird

I don’t think crit res can go negative since a patch removed it.
The ’ invested stat points’ is similar to ‘per 10 points invested’ , maybe this was confusing.

Find crit resist:

Reinf can be: trans armor, trans weap. ET mobs have those trans stats.

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I must be stupid. i was 100% sure i checked before saying this. Apparently i did not… Thanks for that.
Looks like those CDef values top around 165. Good to know, Zalciai will be pretty effective i guess.

@greyhiem, About the “per 10 point invested”. What confuses me is. When you put a stat point. This point is invested. But lets say a necklace gives you +10 STR, would this stats count as invested and give 102 + 5 ATK, or only 102 since it would not be considered “invested”.
I think the invested word is kinda misleading

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KTOS live video series edit: added to first post

Currently glass mole/chappa proc on each SP potion. SP potions have separate cooldowns. Maybe feel very bad for glass mole/chappa future :disappointed_relieved:

The new class to clear dungeon140/170 is reiter3 limacon

@bakatox think the invested word just means ‘per 10 points’. I will change it.

Maybe they’ll make it shop-SP-potion only? That’ll scale the power back to what it was before but also makes shop SP potion remains relevant always.

KTOS damage formula is changed, different by 0.1

Damage =
(% increase factor ) x Damage x min {1, Log10 (( ATK / ( DEF + 1)) ^ 0.9 + 1)} + (+ increase )

Updated first post again with all formulas
more vid

I thought they would tone it down a bit to 0.5-0.6 but okay I guess. More power for all.

Reiter3 strong weapon
New dung170 farmer for good ping


Seen a lot of full str builds.
Also popular is ~100 dex, rest str.
High dex low str for auto attack build & speedskill build (or rogue2/3).
Summon builds mix INT SPR.
Magic INT or high INT low SPR.
CON depends on gear (HP, def).

The power of skull swing armour debuff?


Armor Break didn’t change? Still Reduce Def to 0? Vertical slash could be really strong now

his DP is faster then before tho…

It did. Debuff is 3s now.


Dex affects the off-hand aspd? ty for the videos

Edit: corrected video start time

Patch of April 28, yes.

Test on bazooka
Works on limacon of reiter too

Updating vid soon of first post

ktos live
The punch speed of this monk,
tran monk siaulai

trBarb drago siaul

another tr dop siau

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Is that including ellaganos cards?

Anyone running no con investment on higher difficulty content yet?

Is without ella card. Most trans-weapon players use glass mole/chapparition.

Mob HP lowered a lot. Trans weapon is very strong.
For example, field farm higher level.

Feels like the game is not challenging at all

People were so used to take only 1 damage from 99% of mobs that they started dying like assess after the changes.

The game was never challenging anyway

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Block increases by 0.5 per point, and 3.5 per 15 points.


Here’s a video of Hop-Shin-Murm on live kToS (after rework):

is srf even used by transform/shapeshift and the sorcerer skills? I know they technically use their stats, but it seems like such a IMC thing to omit it entirely.