Tree of Savior Forum

[Klaipeda server] Guy macroing/botting

Again, not a single z-bot was sanctioned during beta.

Why would IMC sanction z-bots now? All z-bots right now are paying customers.

Go cry some more, maybe IMC will listen. LOL.

Because they had more important stuff to do than ban their closed beta testers? Their botting didnā€™t exactly do much harm as everything was going to get wiped anyways. Now the situation is different exactly because thereā€™s money involved and thereā€™s paying customers who expect a game with positive gaming experiences and stability.

I bet once the early access period end, the ban hammer will slowly but surely start swinging. There will be QQ threads about Z-botters and people asking why this kind of behaviour is allowed when the open access starts and this behaviour becomes more widespread because thereā€™s less to lose if you get in troubles for this Z-botting on your farming account(s).

I can imagine how nice it would be if some quest mob turns out to be a good one for farming and it becomes close to impossible to complete the quest because thereā€™s high level botters killing everything the instant they re-spawn.

Playstyle? PLAYSTYLE?

ā– ā– ā– ā–  off. LOL.

Heā€™s not even playing. You have to be playing to have a playstyle, LOL.

ToS is precious to me. Iā€™m sure to a lot of people too, anyone who cares about this game at all shouldnā€™t be okay with any of this.

Iā€™m not even reading any more of the posts that are straight up defending this behavior, just gonna flag that ā– ā– ā– ā– .

Ahhh the art of not liking what someone says and immediately flagging it. What FUN :smiley:

I stated my beliefs and it was flagged. Much wow

Didnā€™t flag you. Just going to from now on, whoever tries to justify this behavior.

I donā€™t mind people being against some preventive suggestions, but people that are completely okay with this stuff, wellā€¦theyā€™re as bad as people who are doing it in my book.

Im simply supporting what I believe is right. To every argument there are always two sides.

I respect your view, however I cannot agree with it.

And either way its up to the GMs to decide.

Your belief of bots/macro users/z-jammers being left to do whatever they want is unacceptable.

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" AWAY from the keyboard and anything is automatic its illegal"

Exactly how would you be breaking the law?

Theyā€™re technically not cheating but hell theyā€™re using the game to play itself while theyā€™re sleeping or doing whateverā€¦ The best fix for this would be that only attacking while standing still would stop after a 10,15, 20 attacks with no other action takenā€¦ If you play the game hell you move around all the time, attack, use skills, jump so it shouldnā€™t be an issue to limit only attacking to un understandable number of consecutive attacks, am I wrong?

TBH guys, you are complaining about people spamming basic attacks; there are much bigger issues with the game.

And what about players with wrist problems, arthritis, or other ergonomic problems? Asking them to keep mashing Z or holding keys down for long periods of time is difficult. Most MMOs have an autorun option for this reason - to keep players from having to hold the run key everywhere. Being able to auto basic attacks isnā€™t really a big deal. In fact, it would be nice to see them implement some sort of way to just right click monsters to autoattack them, similar to RTS games.

Anyway, just my two cents. In the end, basic attack spam is a very minor issue compared to other things the devs could spend their time on. People will find ways to cheat and bot in every game - the devs have already locked down the economy to try and prevent some of the effects of botting. IMO itā€™s a good enough effort, itā€™s similar to the system Elder Scrolls Online uses and botting there is not an issue at all in terms of affecting gameplay and the gameā€™s economy. Itā€™s not like z-botters can flood the economy with silver; all they get is an inefficient way to level up lazily. No big deal

tl;dr Keep calm and carry on. Let the devs focus their time on adding new features and gameplay instead of making it harder for people to spam basic attacks. The negative effects of z-botting are very trivial compared to what some of you are making it out to be

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Itā€™s not a minor thing when thereā€™s a gain from it and a person isnā€™t even putting an effort for it. (Z-jam, bot, macro)

Buuuut, Iā€™d be happy with just a captcha system to begin with, and then if they find a better solution at some point, replace it.

No point in adding new features and content, if you feel like s*it for playing the game, being surrounded by bots and people exploiting everything they can.

Itā€™s not a minor thing when thereā€™s a gain from it and a person isnā€™t even putting an effort for it.

I still donā€™t get what they are gaining. Itā€™s a very inefficient way to gain experience and money.

No point in adding new features and content, if you feel like s*it for
playing the game, being surrounded by bots and people exploiting
everything they can.

I havenā€™t even run into a single z-botter, I donā€™t think itā€™s that big of an issue where devs need to waste time on it currently

Doesnā€™t really matter. No one should be gaining anything while not playing. Well, except crafting classes, lol.

It starts off small, itā€™s best to deal with it now, when itā€™s not a big issue.

Doesnā€™t really matter. No one should be gaining anything while not playing.

Agreed - though I donā€™t think anyone here is arguing AFK botting is OK.

Itā€™s just not something that people should have ā€œOh, just let them beā€ attitude towards, like some people here do.

Iā€™m not saying they should jump right on it and focus on this, like nothing else matters. However I think that they should take steps towards fixing it, like start the process.

Make the programmers start working on something to battle this. Iā€™m talking z-jam afk, bots, macro users and even goldsellers.

Whether they use different systems for some of these things, or try to do it with just one thing (Like captcha), doesnā€™t really matter, but nothingā€™s being handled right now.

Goldseller messages is all Iā€™m reading right now in chat. I mean, they donā€™t have anything to do with this, butā€¦when they deal with these things, they should deal with all of it at once and be done with it.

Why not just spawn a personification of death with a massive scythe if the character has been stood in the same place for a long time or no variation in actions. If you sit down it wonā€™t appear and if your not Z-botting upon seeing death appear you will move the character and death will disappear.

What happens when you death reaches the character is up to the implementers but probably be best if only took a couple swings of the scythe to kill the character.

If you are caught in this way you receive a black mark / debuf. Too many of these and your banned, canā€™t party, prevented from gaining xp and it should apply to the whole team.

This wonā€™t prevent real Botting programs however it would keep the solution in game and it would be fun to watch especially if you can video record it as well.

I agree with this, since it requires the person to click the target first.

then that shows your lack of character and should be banned yourself

play style my butt its botting end of story needs to be ban worthy