Tree of Savior Forum

[Klaipeda] Crimson - Mature/Competitive/PvE/PvP/GvG/Social Guild

I will join once I reach home, I am at work right now and I can’t talk :stuck_out_tongue:

It is ok, I suppoused you will be full guys but I will be playing with some friends so I will stay around… you can’t get rid off me muahahahahaha :insert dramatic music: (that one is not dramatic enough).

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We only accept the best people possible from now on, and I think you are one of those people.

Honestly, I want you to join immediately.
But I’m a fair guy. If there are some missing members that will get kicked in the near future, then there’s a high possibility for you to join ASAP.

Moreover, you can still chat and play with us anyway. Our 24/7 no life squad is ready to accompany you in case you need some additional partners.


Hahahaha thanks Erosama, as long as you keep reparing my shits we will be ok and ofc, I will be more than glad to party with you at any time, you know I have a severe addiction for this game. In the other side I don’t know if 24/7 will be enough, I am an overdemanding farmer :wink:

@Soushi No se cuál es la pregunta así que tengo un poco de miedo de responder… voy a decir tal vez para no sonar muy quitado :smile:

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Oh noes, I’m not going for Squire anymore. Especially since Im going for Templar, which means I cant grab Squire c3.

I already had enough with getting KSed all the time while I can’t do anything. :sob:

Gud gud, you are a best friend of @Kuroi in that case
He plans to play straight 3-7 days (as long as he managed to keep himself alive).

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Woot?!!! Who is repairing my sh*t now :sob:

And who is Kuroi? O,o Senpai?

@Soushi Tranqui, pero vuele ese post entonces que no soy el único que habla español xD

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The one who was always screaming at world chat informing everyone whenever there was a world boss around. Arguebly the richest man on Laima server with around 90-100 million silvers back then. And a 2nd rank in adventure journal leaderboard.

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@LirashMjorl Mae que cagada :sleeping: pero bueno que se puede hacer, voy a ponerme serio tonces. Digale a Erokhi que le pase el link del Discord si es que no lo tiene para hablar por ahi.


Actually it was 130 million Erokhi :wink:

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Kuroi sama Lord of Money, please share your path with the humble… and maybe something of the bottom of your pocket :open_mouth:

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Oh sup Mjorl, see ya in iOBT!


Yay!!! Senpai notice me. Hope to see you soon senpai :blush:


I thought you’re Senpai not me :3

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Oh no, you are the unforgettable senpai, lord of demons and fire. Besides when I met you they introduced you saying “…and he is senpai.” It is engraved in history now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

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Ah, thanks for reminding me man. :+1:
Maybe I’ll do it after I have the time.


Sup Trey~ its me Lezard, tho prolly you dont remember me, (ign: Valeth) just wanna ask, can i still join your guild on this upcoming OB? since afaik, the number of members allowed is limited right?

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Of course I remember you Valeth, even though we only spent a few hours together fighting Lepusbunnies.

The guild is full at the moment, but our applicants are always welcome to join Discord channel, get to know each other, play together, see whether the guild’s for you or not, and wait until we’ve confirmed that our “missing members” won’t come back and you will be able to join.

So how’s that? Still interested? :smirk:


that would be great! thanks man! see you ingame when this not so “soon” thing opens /thumbsup

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It was so slow and only after lot of people leaved.

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