Tree of Savior Forum

Kinda a dimension witch (fake class) (wanting this so bad <3 )

well just made something random in the general discussions on the topic

and wanted to suggest this if you guys are interested… :smiley:
the numbers can be tweek… but you will get a general idea… :smiley:

Hidden Class: Dimension Witch
Required class: Psychokino c3
accessible rank: 7

Fate Dimension Max Level 5
Skill Description: Traps enemies within a powerful web of space distortion which restrains movement and then explodes.
Damage: 1000% > 1250% > 1500% > 1750% > 2000%
Casting time: 1sec.
AOE attack ratio : 10
Cooldown: 3 min.
Mana Consumption 300 mp

Wormhole Max Level 5
Skill Description:
Creates an imploding space to be thrown on enemies. Enemies that will be in the skill range will be pulled and implode on impact.
Damage: 50%> 75% > 100%> 125% > 150% every .3 sec
Duration: 2 sec
Casting Time 1sec.
Over Heat: 5
AOE attack ratio: 2
Cool down: 45sec.
Mana Consumption: 130 mp

Super Nova Max Level 5
Skill Description: Gather dimension power and release a giant circular energy blast to deal heavy damage. Pulls in nearby enemies while it is channeling.
Damage: 250%> 275%> 300%> 325% > 350% multi hit.
Casting Time: 1 sec.
Channeling time: 5 sec.
AOE Attack Ratio: 5
Cool down: 1:20 min.
Mana Consumption: 1% mp

Dimension Spurt. Max level 5
Skill Description: Release dimension aura that explodes upwards.
Damage: 150% > 175% > 200% > 225% > 250%
Casting Time: .5 sec.
Over Heat: 3
AOE Attack Ratio: 3
Cool down: 15 sec.
Mana Consumption: 30mp

Dimension Hammer Max Level 5
Skill Description: Pound the ground with force using the staff to stun the enemies.
Damage: 100% > 125% > 150% > 175% > 200%
Casting Time: .5 sec
Over Heat; 3
AOE Attack Ratio: 3
Cool Down: 16 sec
Mana Consumption 50mp

Magical Transformation Max Level 1
Skill Description:Transform your body to become stronger for 60 seconds. While under the effect, the staff becomes longer and glows, MP gain is increased 5%,
Mana consumption 1% mp for 60 sec.

Magical State. During Magical Transformation. allows you to have quick cast effect. .1% chance.after using skills. Normal missile attacks become star balls. ( star surrounded by orbs of dimensional energy. and trickling with stardust) (lvl. 1)

Fate Dimension Removed Knockback
Fate Dimension Increase Damage: .5% (lvl. 100)
Wormhole Increase Damage .5% (Lvl 100)
Wormhole Increase Duration: 1sec (Lvl 4)
Dimension Wave Removed Knockback
Dimension wave confusion
Dimension wave increase damage .5% (lvl 100)
Dimension Spurt increase aoe ratio 1 (lvl 3)
Dimension Spurt increase damage .5% (Lvl 100)
Dimension Hammer add Stun (3sec) (Lvl. 1)
Dimension Hammer increase damage .5% (lvl 100)
Magical transformation increase reflect shield 100% reflect damage increase. (lvl 1)
Magical transformation missle attacks change to Energy Ball attacks. Added Damage energy balls + 20% (lvl 1) (Includes magic missle and energy bolt)

Recommended Build:

Wiz 3 > Kino 3> Dimension Witch > Sage

(I’m to supportive for this fake hidden class)

Hows is this for fake hidden class guys? :smiley: hehehe worth it?

couz its still lagging… let me open this up hahahaha and I know some fellow skill builders out there who posted in the fake hidden class builds… show your love while servers are still lag :smiley: at least we had a bit of fun lol