Tree of Savior Forum

Just my idea for a way to stop bots

Basically as the title states I’d like to put my idea forward.

Make a Report Bot function that automatically blocks the Team you reported and removes the shout from the shout bar at the top.

Make it so the Report Bot function saves the users message so GM’s can easily identify if it was a bot or not who was reported and say the user receives 40 reports in 30 minutes then the user is globally muted across the entire account for 6 hours so they can only use Whisper/Guild Chat functions and can no longer spam Shout and General giving GM’s the time they need to ban bot accounts, this way if users abuse this function on a Player then the Player doesn’t get banned.
The saved message in the report will be sent to a report database where they can easily track say BotSpam user and see the X amount of reports that have been made against the user showing the message where they advertise the reported sites.
This gives the GM’s all the info they need to quickly ban bots without harming other players in the process and can change into a more looser / stricter version as the bot infestation subsides/grows worse.

Edited : We could also implement a Protection Timer for users who have this system abused on them IE Youtube/Streamers who are well known so they can have some peace of mind.

If I remember then I will add or remove certain parts depending on feedback.

Please add your own ideas to the post so the GM users who read it can get a good idea of a way to wage war on the infestation.

PS : Don’t bother replying saying my English sucks, I just want constructive criticism on why it Will/Wont work and what you’d add.

Thanks for reading :slight_smile:

Credit goes to KingSponge

Limit the shout chars to about 30-40.
Add level restriction to shouts; about level 50 or 65+
Increase Block limit from 35.
Add report bot/hack function and after 40+ reports, it flags the person for reviewing for GMs to take a look at.
Add time restriction in-between shout

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Your English is good.

I think this is a pretty good idea. I think 40 reports may be a bit too low for a global 6-hour mute (35 is the current guild cap, so a coordinated effort of a single troll guild could abuse this function to mute anyone who they disagree with), but the GMs can always adjust that number.

Thanks, was just an example and at least if it does get abused then the player isn’t instantly banned like some other games. the saved message in the report will also help GM’s to un-mute people while still banning bots too without harming the community overall :slight_smile: also the player who is muted can still use whisper and guild chat so isn’t harming them much.

Take megaphones out and you stop all bots. They’re dumb anyway.

What they really need to do is:

  • Limit the shout chars to about 30-40.
  • Add level restriction to shouts; about level 50 or 65+
  • Increase Block limit from 35.
  • Add report bot/hack function and after 40+ reports, it flags the person for reviewing for GMs to take a look at.
  • Add time restriction in-between shouts.
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The level restriction for shouts is a ■■■■■■■ good idea ( @Staff_Julie )

our towns will end up getting flooded with bots shouting on normal chat tho :pensive:

Mind if I add your post to mine with your name?

They are but they’re handy for users searching for dungeons or wanting to get information so

The mute stops you from using General (Normal) chat so they can’t spam that too. they can only use whisper and guild chat and this can be changed accordingly

Go for it lol


Ah sorry, I was responding to the guy with the ‘remove megaphones idea’.

Level restriction is good but I seen plenty of bots just standing using auto attacks, it’ll help to lessen the impact but they’ll still be present since bots can afk grind areas essentially

Nahh I’m sorry still new to the forum so didn’t notice you was saying it to someone else :slight_smile:

It’s okay :heart_eyes: Kinda worried about famous youtubers/streamers tho, they might be able to rack up the report count with their haters.

Yeah that is true but they won’t get banned anyway, they’ll just get muted so no General/Shout usage for a bit. but this is more of an idea anyway so stuff can be changed accordingly. will edit into the post to give users a protection timer if they’re reported and muted before to give people some peace of mind

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