Tree of Savior Forum

Journal Points Not Updating

I know how you feel bro. Because I’m given up too.

Try to spread this bug information. But it seem only affected some people. No one pay attention to this bug. I’m tried. Compare to other bug that affect more people than this one. We know they will look at the other bug before this one.
Only god know when this suffer will end.

This bug, there must be someone who plot this bug. Not sure what is their intend. But here is the result. Congratulation.

There is many thing left I want to do. Hunting vertov set, earth tower, end game dungeon, join some guild, WB hunt, grind to max level 280, complete collection, writeing some guide when I reach 1st rank. But I will stop playing until this bug fix.

I am crying.

This bug has reared its ugly head again as of the latest maintenance. It does not affect all players, but those players affected by it cannot gain any journal points until it is resolved.

It’s normal here. I fixed it just playing until I got a new recipe from a cube.

Yes, it doesn’t affect all players. I’m not sure what determines who it does and does not affect.

For those affected(including myself and several others), no points can be acquired: not from recipes, upgrading, exploration, monster kills, or any other means, until it is fixed.

This occurred a few times in the past. The points lost during this period are also lost forever. They cannot be regained. Therefore anyone who is affected by the bug should not attempt to acquire journal points until they are fixed.

I had the exactly same problem for a week, but as I told you, I “fixed” it just playing.

From nowhere I received my points just after I found a new recipe.

I don’t believe that was the recipe that ‘fixed’ it for you. I think the bug resolves itself(or is resolved somehow) after an amount of time.

I can verify this as I picked up two recipes recently that I had not found previously and I received no journal points for them, even though they registered in the journal.

What activates and de-activates the bug is still a mystery.

I don’t know if it was magic or the system, but try to wait or contact the staffs.


So close to the reset? Really?