Tree of Savior Forum

Is tos ever gonna be able to run properly with alot players?

So… getting anxiety over the state of game. Has it been born dead and doomed for massive player events?

Don’t expect drastic improvements to your FPS, the game was not designed to hold massive GVG battles.

Either buy the latest graphics card and hope for 30 fps or bust.

To answer your question…

P.S. Source is Dungeon Meshi :heart:

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However it is worth mentioning that, while some graphics settings will help a few players, the majority of FPS lag that we experience as participants in GvG or WB encounters is actually because of the netcode. So the announcement that optimization is in the works is kind of muted by the fact that, immediately after saying that, hkkim stated there would be graphics options to help with FPS.

Which… won’t help much.

Sure anything is better than nothing. But our WB/GvG stutters so much because of the immense amount of packets/updates present. Similarly it’s the reason why shout spam can make a player enter slideshow-mode as well.

Until the netcode is addressed… the graphical optimizations they introduce will do very, very little for us. It’s been a month since that statement and we do have some additional tweaks we can make (including the much appreciated disable on the screen shake) but nothing has, nor will, help with our over-populated areas.

Take this for instance. Disabling actors through the settings only helps with rendering and doesn’t impact the FPS during a world boss. This is because the game still is reporting those players’ actions even if the on-screen graphic isn’t present which still contributes to the bottleneck we see around netcode. The same idea as if you disable all but 1 enemy actor; sure the graphics won’t be rendered but the enemies are still taking actions and will definitely still kill you even if you can’t see them =P So disabling the graphics doesn’t increase FPS as expected because it’s still the netcode to blame… So what will their graphic settings they are working on do to help? How will “sacrificing graphics detail” actually assist with FPS if even disabling them entirely already doesn’t work?

Disabling actors, or lowering the bit resolution, can help with some computers for sure. And may eventually help in WB and GvG later on as well. But for now our bottleneck, our achilles heal, is the fact that we have so much noise being sent back and forth, with what appears to be a single shared priority between all of that data. The graphic options will only really start helping once the actual hurdle has been addressed.

Fingers crossed though. They’ve had years to fix it. I know at least throughout the entire icbt2 it was stressed that it was a huge problem. For IMC to say that they have only “recently” started working on it though makes me feel like it will never get up to where it needs to be, especially when graphics settings appear to be the area being worked on.

Is it not running just fine now?

I have a titan-X and i get 57FPS in a populated city with all the max settings, in a boss battle EG: dullahan it drops to 20-30FPS no idea how the fuk u guys play this game…

If i turn everything off (visual settings) and in a scrub unpopulated map the fps go as high as 350FPS but man add some spell effects and other players and the client has a cardiac arrest.

Pretty piss poor for a 1000$US graphics card…Meanwhile i can run farcry 4 and witcher 3 and battle field 4 on full ultra settings at 4k…

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You’ll get the major fps drops from GVG and world boss which can range from 0-15 fps.

Storage and abby grind i’ll still manage 30-40 fps from Ele3 spells. Weapon swap lag on muskeeter skills can drop me down to 0 fps freeze consistently.

In town i’ll range from 30-120 fps depending on how busy the channel is.

Otherwise if i’m the only player on screen i’ll get around 300 fps.

TOS depends high from CPU. I have trash video (58xx radeon lvl), clocked CPU to 5.3 GHz with zalman liquid cooling, forced TOS to 2 cores, vsync off:100+ fps in klaipeda, 70+ on wb (dulla at prime time), 60+ on guild battles near tower.

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IMC is channeling their inner iRO, trying to replicate that feeling of to WoE on your e-machine back in in the olden days.


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Can you share how to force ToS to 2 cores? Thanks!