i have no idea what he just did, how he did it, and why
Apparently, he drop an take a quest several times and for some reason at some point mob start to stack.
Monsters start to spawn in a weird behavior and move like they are on speed hack mode and you ask if it’s legal? lol
Nice Exploit, just wondering if they fixed it.
Don’t think it’s a hack, just abuse spamming a quest. The video is quite recent so i suppose u still can do it
It’s called exploit, you don’t need to use a 3rd party software (hack) to use exploits, just use a bug that is in game.
Still the same, it’s not legal.
its not an exploit or a hack. hes just abusing an in game function. smart way to get money
monsters in that quest spawn around the crystal theyre meant to be like that.
idk what theyre going to do about this bcuz u cat just abuse a common ingame function like you would a bug.
Well it still pre combat patch (should be) because invocation spirit pop more spirit
Also about the speed hack monster … [quote=“BeMagnificentt, post:8, topic:364653”]
monsters in that quest spawn around the crystal theyre meant to be like that.
He just limit the border of where they can spawn by going in a small zone
It’s definitely an exploit. He is cycling abandoning and retaking the quest to create more monster spawns then should be possible. The urns should disappear after a given amount of time/after the quest is abandoned, but they don’t…abusing that is an exploit.
That wasn’t supposed to be like that, also, it is an exploit, he bugged the spawn and it’s clearly that, I even re-checked to make sure he didn’t put in fast forward the video, but it’s in normal speed.
An exploit is where any player abuses something in the game that is clearly unintended and beyond the scope/spirit of intention that the developers have. This definitely falls into the exploit category.
This is clearly unintentional and will be patched. Do not perform this, you will be putting your account at risk of a ban like the recently banned dpk exploiters, which was just a game mechanic, performing unintentionally.
So OP, basically your using click bait to get people to notice your post.
In order to point out a bug/exploit someone else found. Hmm

Why not post on the bug report instead of general or submit a ticket?
-all you did is literally show more people how to use the exploit.
PS: My fav part is him asking: Is this legal (LMAO) come on Breh use your head.
this is clearly an old video. his spirits are respawning new spirits over and over which was pre combat patch. This bug may have been patched already
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