Tree of Savior Forum

Is this a good build planning? Cler2 Pris2 Pal3

I heard Earth Tower is the thing for high level/end game partying… Will this be a good build?

I’m planning for Cler2 Priest2 Pal3
( When rank10 implemented, assuming no overly good new rank, final build will be Cler3 Priest3 Pal3 Oracle1 )
Stat = 3 SPR : 1 CON

Since there is a time limit on the runs in Earth Tower, by having no Diev rank to reduce CDs, will this sorta defensive build still be viable? Needing input, thank you

It really is just too early to plan until Rank 10.

For ET builds, look for ET specific builds and discussions. I think you will have more success there.

On the build itself.

  1. Cleric 2 is good. As long as you got those good old’ lvl10 heal tiles up you will have an OK support build.
  2. I will either go Priest 3 or non.
  3. I will leave my Rank 7 slot open for either Rank 7 or 6 classes. PD, Kabbalist, Oracle, etc, are good.

Pally isn’t really wanted in ET atm, because Barrier can be made into Simony scrolls, usable by anyone. However, this might change when/IF (not 100% guaranteed) we get the Resist Elements patch from KR, which makes the skill at lv15 skill much stronger and very desirable.

It should also be noted that you should expect the endgame to actively change. Earth Tower is only the lv280 endgame, and considering IMC has 500 levels planned… you can see where this is going. If we’re speaking of ET however, Priest3 is not strictly necessary, only Priest1 is (for Resurrection).

If you’re going Priest3, you’ll likely need Krivis1 for Daino… and I’d strongly recommend you try to get Krivis1 at some point anyway because of Zalciai. It’s an absolutely amazing buff/debuff for the physical members of your party, while you can benefit from it yourself with Smite, and the attribute makes it good for your magic party members too.

You can find more detailed Paladin information/ask questions on Pally here, if you'd like: