Tree of Savior Forum

Is there gonna be a rolback or something? DPK BUG

so other servers were not affected huh? hmmmm or players were just sneaky haha.

So many people asking for a rollback, think about a good way to compensate players too, not everyone was exploiting this “bug”


All hunting grounds had all chanels 60/70 aprox. would be very difficult ban someone. The only viable option is the rollback in my pov.

I highly doubt they’ll do a rollback seeing as all the backlash would not be worth it. The bug was also exploited by a hell lot of people, naturally. Not everyone has time to spend many hours getting a specific equipment piece they need.

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Sorry but me and my friends from orsha were grinding/trying to farm cubes in balaam camp and we gave up after 2 hours with no cubes droped. It seems to me that not all servers had the same issue or maybe it was map/based, idk.

Yeah I love that post LOL

Yeah, they actually have to remove all these items (preferable if possible) or do a rollback. The new HGs were barely just added to the game, having a sudden influx of purple cubes that are meant to be 1 in 20,000 drops is going to kill that content immediately.


Considering how gear dependent the game is now for damage, 1/20000 was an enormously stupid drop rate anyway.


You guys trust the people that constantly implement economy ruining bugs and can’t even correct their own bugs causing more emergency maintenance to successfully perform a server rollback? To what time exactly? This bug has almost certainly been in place since Tuesday, and some smart individuals remained quiet. Do the people who first exploited get to keep their rewards? They probably already sold their Sissels for Practonium when they had 50+ battle bracelets in their inventory.

I understand being salty you missed out, I wish I could have gotten more stuff myself, but you gotta be practical here.


You are not salty because you had a chance to earn something from this “event”. So just let the salty ones be salty because they have no chance :slight_smile: It’s human instinct to protect their situation.

[quote=“justashton, post:25, topic:362345”]
Do the people who first exploited get to keep their rewards? They probably already sold their Sissels for Practonium when they had 50+ battle bracelets in their inventory.
[/quote] Thus the rollback as a fix but you are right the timing will be crucial. so… IMC will just be back to their ol’ band-aid “fix” special and everyone will move on eventually.

looking forward for cheap bb and purple armors/equips. though no one has confirmed from my server yet… sneaky bastards.

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Edit: I edited over my original response that was in this post . Fuking lol.

Well on Klaipedia I wasn’t on very long.

Ran missions this morning then left for my day.
Came back alemeth questing and god Ohgma gauntlets from the flying thingy ma bobs.
Go to Sjarejo Chamber and only cubes I saw were from Night Maidens. So could be that its just some mobs on a map, or that some mobs had lower DPK from the start and so if all DPK’s were dropped those that were already low became super easy to get from.

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DPK bug only affect Silute and Kláipeda server? or only Silute?
Because inside Orsha server i don’t see the bug issue…

what server were you from sir? nice logic you have there. I’ll keep that in mind.

I mean, it could be it however, during the 2 hours that we farmed we killed everything, since we were in a party of 4 people was easy and very fast, so following that logic we should have gotten some cubes wich we didnt, in our 2 hour journy we killed like 20+ jackpot mobs (Silvers, and orange ones) and yet still no cubes.

Maybe was server based/map based/ and mob based, as you suggest, cause in balaam camp, at least, cubes were not dropping or at least on orsha server.

If we analayze it outside the bug and everything that happened and you are right about the maidens, then… we know wich things to kill now lol, but who knows

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The bug was server based with the battle bracelets so it probably was server based with everything else after their attempt to fix it, too. It also varies by monster per server, too. Likely some DPKs just got “Frozen” when the servers went down and thus it would differ from server to server what DPK number each monster was at, resulting in some having high drop rates on some servers but not on others differing by monster.

A more populated server would have a higher chance to have a monster at a higher DPK kill count than a less populated server too, which probably explains why Kalpedia has the majority of the high drop rate monsters.

Were you on Kalpedia? I can confirm that at least quite a few monsters in there were dropping quite a lot, both from personal experience and from chatting with others while it was going on.

just wipe all milion+ vallue items gained in the past 72 hours.(or when detecting more than 1 of these) keep the rest intact

It was a very odd bug. I saw some swords dropping like candy from a mob. After a while they just stopped dropping altogether. A friend on another map said she was now getting drops from a mob she was farming shortly after the sword mob stopped dropping.

But then I went to another location and got a decent amount of gems. It literally makes no sense. It wasn’t consistent at all.

Silute man! I didnt log in because i was working but people got crazy on facebook and whatsapp