Tree of Savior Forum

Is there any benefits on PvP and GW aside from bragging rights?

Just wanna know what are the rewards for PvP or GW if there’s any, like territory for GW or exclusive credit points like for PvP?

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but but… you do PvP for bragging rights… no?? uuhmm… okayyyy…sad face


They will have eventually. Right now it’s purely for fun.

If you make a guild, another guild can open war on you.

You aren’t asked.

So if you’re a guild of 5 friends and a full guild of 30 decides to bully you, they can.

They can kill you anywhere in the game, except in instances.

The PvP arena is just a mini-game right now.

You get a rank next to your name so there’s that. That’s about it.


Good measurement how long your epeens are.

Wasn’t there that patch that added consent for war?

~@ HAVE FUN!! @~
20 charfun

Hmm this might be bad, so they can always kill you while you are leveling?

That’s what war is.

The benefits of guild are not that important.

You can basically grow some plants used in alchemy to make potions in guild HQ.

You can raise some mounts, like hamster mounts.

There’s some guild events.

Guild leader can summon you to him or TP to you.

Nodes can be placed in the world that lead you to guild HQ.

That’s about it for guilds too right now.

B-b-but it’s a BETA

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This might have flaw like on other open world pvp style MMO on later part of the game.
Like for example you have a guild which consist of not high level players and you are leveling on a spot, guilds with high level players can steal your leveling spot and give them to their lower level guild members to support them. So what I mean newly formed guilds can get bullied right?

Recently added: Both guilds need to accept to engage in war.


there should be treaty, like when a newly formed guild or even old that hasn’t attack any should be safe.

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Don’t get me wrong, I kind of want that to be true, but also not. Random PvP in open world can be fun.

Don’t take me wrong, I am pro PK mode, free pvp in open world is one of the most fun things you can do (real pvp, no kill low lvls while they are leveling). But it was added a few weaks ago, let me see if I find the notes about it since I didn’t save it; there are many threads about it in forum too, you can look for it.

Edit: Here is the topic in forum Have they already ruined guild wars? still looking for the notes.

Right now there are no benefits, but I’m fine with enjoying it, having fun, building up new friends and rivals.

Actually I’ve roamed around and had some GvGs in GW2 over the past years…zero benefits, no progress, nothing, but it was fun as hell! Benefits would be nice but it’s a double-edged sword. If the rewards are good enough, the game modes will be flooded with PvE and “very casual” players and we end up with more salt than we can handle - like in almost ever other mmo.

I don’t think PVP or even GW should be attached to substantial rewards anyway; nothing wrong with it giving bragging rights/getting your name known I think that’s how it should be and if you’re really good at PVP you’ve earned it lol. I’m quite relieved there isn’t anything OP offered for PVPing so far for TOS ^^

Wouldn’t mind cosmetic rewards or food buffs or something like that but as soon as you attach it to really great rewards you start making people who don’t like PVP feel like they have to do it, and that sucks. (eg. The only reason why the PVP reward in BnS is ok for many PVE’ers is because of botters who push the price down for those rewards on marketplace)