Tree of Savior Forum

Is really a full tank or a good tank good for high levels?

I’m starting to play with friends and i would like to know if is a tank needed for high levels, pvp, and enddgame. or can partys survive with any tank with them? thanks

Can do with no tank but requires good coordination and party lineup.

You’re basically a sponge who isn’t needed but appreciated because you’re a slightly better Linker.


Can’t agree more, and most linkers can either contribute a good deal of AOE damage or provide better CC (than any Swordsman build).

So far i read “Punchbagmans” in high level are only need for Smashbuckling. If you dont have you are NOT welcome. But it seens even that is not need anymore?

full tank only work as a punch bag in a grinding pt
other things like GvG, PvP, dungeon, mission you are an useless one who run around and almost do nothing anyway

I read that it’s because there’s a serious lack of tanks at end game so people were forced to figure out alternative ways to do the content.

I originally made a tank but I quit playing the tank because even if I was blocking or not taking much damage, my equipment durability was getting destroyed forcing me to just taunt and run around playing evasively which I found to be “boring”.

If they ever changed equipment durability so I could actually run a full dungeon without boring evasive tanking on a fully defensive tank, I will continue playing my Peltasta.

actually if C block is 100% block and also can block magic like some action mmorpg i will want to play tank because it’s interesting but it’s not

in ToS is the old mmo system so tank is really boring and it’s even worse when compare to tank in old games like Lineage 2 or WoW

i still play my tank and i can tell you, if u go full con all you need is a shield lol

I see. Thanks for the information. My pelt c3 “Punchbagman” is already slowing leveling (“tool” to farm dung 90 mostly). But it seens he will slow down even more the leveling speed… maybe he should get some undefined time “holidays”…

As a full tank whenever i queue up in dungeons people thank me (especially when theres no healers) but then again it’s hard to level up due to your non existent damage , I’m 181 for Goddesses’s sake and i only do 1k Damage. But among the bad times theres the good. I managed to make 4 archers rage quit when they random challenged me to a duel and you can feel their frustration from the screen as they keep trying to shoot you over and over and over and over again to no avail. Bottom line is, Tanks are quite important and are really effective in team play. But as this is the “Generation of Solo Players and MMO-Kirito-wannabe-Faggits”, This is NOT the build for you. But if you want to persevere then i suggest going either Peltasta 3 > Squire 2 or 3 then start vending because you will need all the silver in the world as you need to max your attributes early.

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thanks and Fortunately we are old team style players, but I wanna ask you why squire what does he gives you to be a tank, i’ve heard about the fencer as a good tank is thant true?

I chose Squire after Peltasta because of the utility it has. As my friends usually grind and we hate contesting the usual grinding spots we go to places where theres a huge density of enemies (like Demon Prison 3) and grind there, with me being a squire i have the ability to build base camps to use as storage and teleportation. If we ever need to restock it’s easier that way since i’ll just have to set up camp and open my repair shop for them (which i price at 200 cause even though we’re friends i still need profit) Grinding has never been easier since we never have to fight over spots and we don’t have to fight bots. But then again, if you want to have More tanking then Peltasta 3 > Rodel 2 > Fencer 1 (if you want armor shredding and a huge taunt radius) or Peltasta 2 > Rodelero 2 > Fencer 2 for just general tanking with a bit of dps on the side

You can survive without a tank, Clerics provide mitigation in this game for party members and heal them.

People are generally just looking to get mobs grouped up so that they can CC and damage them all at once.
Which is what Linker, Peltasta and to an extent Cryomancer do better than just normally pulling a mob.

You can survive without a tank, Clerics provide most of the defense in this game for party members (Safety Zone, Aspersion, Increase Magic Defense, Counter Spell, Barrier, Mackangdal, Statue of Ausrine, Golden Bell Shield attributed, resist elements, Vashiti Saddhi, Revenged Sevenfold, Sterea Trofh, Bloodletting, Revive, etc).
and heal them as well.

People are generally just looking to get mobs grouped up so that they can CC and damage them all at once.
Which is what Linker (Joint Penalty), Peltasta (Swashbuckling and to an extent Cryomancer (Frost Pillar) do better than just normally pulling a mob. There’s weaker alternatives to that as well (Caltrops, Aukuras, Jolly Roger, etc).

A full CON Swordsmen in that case is a puller like Linker, that already has a tool to mitigate physical damage to 0 (block), but bloats up his health like a madman so he can be generally less useful via the fear of magical damage which a Cleric is likely helping to defend against in the first place via Safety zone, Increase Magic Defense. Or Hold C indefinitely even when abilities can be actively moved out of or jumped over. /Mad.