Tree of Savior Forum

Is it that hard to buy a brand new server

Not to be offensive, how much a server cost? 500USD? 5000USD?
As I know the IMC can easily afford for a new server and make data transfer, is it really a must to stop new players to TOS while the game is slowly running out and dieing?

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It is not the hardware that is the problem. Since it looks like you may not even know the difference between hardware and software let me break it down for ya.

Hardware is physical (parts; such as your motherboard) and software is virtual (code; such as Tree of Savior client or server source code).

These servers are running off machines that are more than capable of getting through the server cycles quickly and efficiently.

The problem boils down to sloppy code that is basically tripping over itself and cannot process the server cycles quickly enough.

This results in server cycle times varying greatly depending on the amount of players online and possibly what they are doing in game.

EDIT: Another problem is clearly the ToS client. That is suffering from very similar issues.


Netcode sucks, no matter how many servers they “buy” issues will persist. It doesn’t matter how great the server is if the software isn’t up to par.

It’s like putting a Ferrari engine on a bicycle, you got all the power but nothing there to actually use it properly.

Players can’t even afford to pay 30-40 dollars donations " packs " to a game and you expect them to buy a server :stuck_out_tongue:

heh, since i work in the field of severs , building/customizing for big coporations i can sort of give you a price range, but each region is different, from where im from everything is generally expensive.

( depending on config )
Low-end Server: ~$2.5k barebones to ~$25k < i suspect IMC has these types of servers , probably barebones or a cloud based system.
Mid Tier Server: ~$15k up to ~$75k
Top end Server: ~$30k up to ~$250k+

( Not including extras, such as but not limited to: SSD’s, San’s, Core switches, UPS’s, Rack Mounts, Cables, Licenses ( software/hardware ) , configuration by 3rd party /w labor if they chose that , any extra services, can all add up to another cool mill if you have the cash.)

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People can afford it… the problem is the value to money ratio is way off. I could spend $100.00 on a pack if it was worth it. These packs are way overpriced because of the CONTENT, not the price.

Also they don’t “buy” servers they rent them.

I tried to speculate what it would cost for IMC to run their servers.

This is if we made an assumption that each Channel in game runs on a different server Instance. Amazon Dedicated EC2 Servers, assuming they’re “medium size” have 32 Instances each server for approximately $1250/mo (and down to $1047/mo if they pre-pay for a year).

I tried to see if there was a list of every zone and how many channels exist in each, but was rather unsuccessful at finding that data. Let’s speculate that there’s 80 channels between Klaipeda, Orsha and Fedimian, the dozen low level zones have approximately 10 channels each for another 120, and then the remaining 130ish maps have an average of 2 channels each. I think I’m low-balling the number of channels here, as I don’t know how many dungeon “channels” they are running, but more than likely they run more than one dungeon “channel” on the same server instance.

Right now we’re up to about 460 channels without dungeons, which at 32 channels per dedicated server would take 15 dedicated servers at a cost of around $18750 a month.

I think it would be a little more sane to believe that multiple channels run on each EC2 instance.

The big question is why people have this urge to make topics about subjects they have no idea about and make complete fools out of themselves.


From the news (if you didn’t read them) IMC said: even if we buy new servers our host is tying our hands. When bad thing happen, our host just shut down the server and don’t give us full access to admin right to let us balance the data batween the remaining servers.

The code may be bad but having a bad host isn’t helping anyone. Many players from Sillute suggested IMC to change host and I agree with them.

Bloody, if changing hosts would solve the problem they would have done it long ago.

It is clearly not the problem.

As someone who worked on building a mmorpg with a small company. MMORPG servers are very very expensive. A actual decent server with 24/7 monitoring, with backup server and DDOS prevention can easily go to 15k+ monthly. Keep in mind though mmorpg are probably the best game for money making, they can have insane player base on which people usually spends money on it.

Netcode sucks and all, but did any of you even play kTOS?
Those things can be workarounded by temporary measures.

  1. Why did kTOS started with 5 servers but we only had 2? iTOS has incredibly bigger audience than kTOS yet we still have only 6 servers (with wicked playerbase distribution due to IMC’s actions).

  2. Is it that hard to hire some personnel to monitor server health status and at least try to fight bots and goldsellers? What prevents IMC from doing so except for greed? You really need like 2 people to monitor health and you can recruit chat moderators from players, that’s common practice.

  3. Is it really necessary to keep the server up for entire week without reboots? Does it take 4 hours to boot? I doubt that.

  4. Is it worth to always postpone iTOS balancing for reaching muh original iTOS balance delaying pvp arena introduction and wait till everyone quit because of lack of content? Personally, I think it’s not. Considering kTOS already has acceptable balance and it is playable. And yes I figured IMC is afraid of nerfing classes which has lots of players built around (like noCD skyliner) because of whinestorm it will cause, so they chosen to not implement any changes at all. You know what that means? We are not getting balance changes till kTOS finally dies, because there’s ■■■■■■■ nobody to make this changes.

  5. Was restriction applied to players in order to fight muh bots? Nope, just accept it.

  6. Did the playerbase suggest P2P scheme? Yep. What was implemented? P2P with F2P quality service. Can F2P players afford this game and increase funds? Not really. Then why?

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