Tree of Savior Forum

Int Shapeshifting Druid help

This is going to be my build Int with atlest 100 con. Maybe some Spr if needed. But I need some suggested magic mobs. ANd does the shapeshifted into mob use your stats or the mob in question?

So to recap :

  1. Int based Mobs
  2. shapeshifted and Transformed skills use your stats and not the mob correct?

Gonna use Cortsama +Shapeshifting combo Druid 3 skills may or not be changed once more info on them is out.

Skill part is still a bit outdated, but class and transform list are largely up to date. (Some mobs got changed to special/elite though and may no longer be available. I didn’t recheck all of them yet.)

Bit disappointed on what i saw from ktos vids though, a lot of new mobs are special type and thus can’t be shape-shifted into.

dam is there even point to do shapeshifting? ~_~

When the rank 8 patch hits sure, as we can then use all our skills while transformed. And we get some sweet stat buffs alongside it.

But for now it’s very niche and rarely worth it.

hmm Thanks is lychon Str or Int boosted I wonder

Thanks for asking, i forgot to check the bug video for the dmg scaling.

And as a warning, she’s using a bug to steadily multiply her magic attack. This is not baseline werewolf dmg. Either way it’s a nice way to check for int scaling.

Ergo; 1, 2 & 3 scale off int. Doesn’t use 4.

And there’s this:

That shows skills 1-2 and 4 critting.

Not sure if str itself works, but it seems likely.

Eitherway druid3 works fine on both int & dex builds.

Hmm thanks man Do you think i need to work on my build?

Any suggested cicles?

Circle wise cleric2/Krivis3/Druid3 is fine. Though leveling with taoist at max rank should be faster. (Storm calling is a 5x multiplier for zaibas, stone henge is almost 2x. )

I would change the skill points though, see: Preliminary beginners guide to Clerics

Or use my example build for cleric2/krivis3/druid3 in post 1.