Tree of Savior Forum

Inquisitor Builds - PvP/GvG

Hi I would like some feedback on some inquisitor builds for PvP 2v2/5v5 and GvG. I would like to build a pvp inquisitor that could also do something in PvE aswell.

The current meta for PvP is:

I don’t know much about high lvl questing / grinding, so I don’t know if diev3 + wheel (both high CD) is enough damage for that content.
Is this build any good for PvE (questing / grinding / ET) ?

Theres also the Paladin variation:

Good damage with conviction+god smash, good AoE, good support with cleric 2 and Diev1/priest1.

PvP capabilities: divine might + barrier + resist elements = 340+ mdef, Wheel hitbox is great so you can easily hit enemys, beak mask and healing factor will make you hard to kill.

So… I know that kabba>Inquisitor is the better choice for PvP, but what build would be the most usefull (support/damage) in PvE ??

Not for long, will lose it’s spot when miko hits.
Just grab the cleric2/diev3/miko/x/inquisitor build if you want to pvp of some sort.

Palaquisitor isn’t too bad for pvp either as it isn’t hard countered by miko. But it’s not amazing for either pve or pvp.


What about C2 - Diev 3 - Bokor 2 - Inq .

It sound crazy and out of synergy but , if you Circle between Mack and ausrine, reducing Cd with Laima … It’s gonna almost 100% uptime invincibility, ( till someone clean you) but that’s when pear of anguish enters …

I have an Cleric 2/Diev3 too waiting for Miko, but this idea came to mind , any crazy one ever tried this ???

I don’t want miko on my build, I wanna kill thoose m…fkrs.

Can you tell me if the kabba inquisitor is any good in PvE ?

Also, the 340+ mdef from paladin will be a substancial buff ? I don’t know how def works in this game.


Paladin3/kabba/inquisitor is alright for pve, but that’s about it.

And no. We got items that give more magic defense and transcendency to boot. The magic def buffs pale into comparison.

If you want to be anti-magic then grab oracle for counterspell, for pve only ofc.

Diev 3 - Bokor 2 - Inquisitor ?

Well, first, you are gonna spend 2 class ranks of a INT job in your STR-DEX build only for Mackandal level 5.(miko and oracle are a more safe bet here).

The problem is the timing, this could be extremelly useful or a epic fail if the mackandal didnt time exactly, any knockback will kill you with your own mackandal damage if you couldnt safety/ausrine before it ends…

In the upside, if the party timing match, you could be the ultimate support with 2 invincibility skills (mack and ausrine) … i wouldnt risk it but the courage for whoever try this is admirable. good luck !!!

From my experience mackangdal is not reliable any lag, miss play or counter play will kill you. If you are stoked on the invincibility I would suggest going priest 2~3 for revive that would give you a very easy way to hit 27 (divine might) seconds of imunity.

I also don’t like efiggy+hexing combo it fails alot and locks you with that low lvl mace.

Divine might > Beak mask > Revive > Mackangdal … after revive activates you can use Healing factor. This could be good, I’ve never seen it before.

i’m still wondering actually if the better choice will be c2-diev3-miko-kabba-inq, c2-diev3-miko-pd-inq or c2-diev3-miko-p2 decisions decisions, and i’m pretty sure no matter what i choose i will think afterwards i should of went for another

I have a C2-Diev 3 in wait too,and with same doubts… in my case my Diev is Melee with high DEX aiming Inquisitor at rank 8, so i think about going 6-Miko and 7-PD, Miko and plague are Magic(INT) Classes, but it’s a must for pvp because of the miko’s Cleanses and PD’s stats immunity, also there’s no other better option… the damage for leveling is gonna suck till i get rank 8 Inq skills tho.

Wurmheart I still have a few things I would like some opinion on it and you seem more knowledgeable.

Paladin3>Inquisitor gets to combo Wheel>conviction>god smash x3 the combo is very fast and hits a very wide area for a HUGE AoE nuke.

IMO this is game finishing in a 5v5/GvG situation, what do you think ?

Now the other variant of inquisitor that I am iterested in is the diev3>oracle>kabba, but as you pointed out miko will destroy oracles/kabbas so…I’m thinking about cleric2>priest3>x>PD>Inquisitor instead.

Priest3 revive is better then ausine IMO and the statues usually don’t work very well in PvP since people can avoid them, as I see it priest3 is a fair trade for pvp.

PD has 100% uptime on status resist and healing factor will make up for ein soft, so is also a fair trade.

R6 I could go chaplain/miko/druid I don’t know if chaplain is any good for pvp maybe AA+god smash on the wheel is good. Druid I don’t think is worth it, telepath is too risky. Miko is prob the best choice but I fed up with it, I want to kill them all.

What do you think about R6 for priest build and wich build(pala vs priest)would perform better overall(I know they play different roles) ?

Thank you.

Not sure how effective an inqui/pala is in pvp. It looks very good on paper but I haven’t seen it in action yet which is a bit worrisome.

Diev is largely taken for world tree in the new meta since silence is one of the few ways that does work vs miko’s in pvp. Since gohei is melee ish range and since we can now remove condition prevention.
Ausrine is just a welcome added bonus.

{~ Though keep in mind World Tree won’t work in areas where players can use dispeller scrolls. ~}

Priests overreliance on long duration/cd buffs will bite you in the arse vs a miko. Revive’s 120s cd and stone skin’s 60s cd do not stand a chance vs a maniac that can remove up to 12 buffs every 10 seconds. The odds are simply not in your favor.

So don’t go further then priest1 imo.

In theory, bokor2 can be interesting as well, since extra move speed allows you to outrun opposing miko’s and better chase enemies. But again it’s a buff with a long cd.

I’m kind of hoping Miko’s gohei gets nerfed at this point. It’s just a buzzkill to cleric build diversity at this point.

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Thank you @2020202020

I don’t know much about high lvl questing / grinding, so I don’t know if diev3 + wheel (both high CD) is enough damage for that content.
Is this build any good for PvE (questing / grinding / ET) ?


Here’s my build.

Paladin1 is taken for more heal power in pve. I find that Kabbalist1 + Inq1 is actually a great combo to use pve context.

Support wise from Kabbalist we have Ein Sof for hp gain/SP regen (in the form of a lv99 SP potion) and R7F which is a 1 hit shield. Inquisitor brings support in the form of melee damage increases via breaking wheel, which kind of acts like a cleric’s version of joint penalty. Malleus Maleficarum acts like a silence spell and increases damage of all hits dealt to the monster affected by the debuff.

Owl doesn’t seem to combo with breaking wheel though, sigh. Imo, the build C2>Diev3>X(filler)>Kab1>Inq1 is really good if you decide to go int build instead of the traditional str/dex build. There is an equal amount of magic based skill as physical skills, and INT increases heal power unlike dex which is really good for support.

Could you elaborate on this ? I’m not very familiar with paladin tbh.

Paladin’s Restoration skill has a hidden combo with Cleric’s Heal (and Priest’s Mass Heal afaik) as it increases the INT+hp recovery bonus portion of the heal side by 2x.

So basically if your INT + hp recovery is high enough, the heal bonus when restoration is active is quite significant.

Eg, if heal bonus heals 1500 per heal tile based on INT, healing on a 25k hp party member will be

5% * 25000 + 1500 = 2750 per tile

An attack that shaves away 50% hp will require 5 tiles to completely heal.

With restoration…

5% * 25000 + (1500 *2 ) = 4250 per tile

The same 50% attack will now require 3 tiles to completely heal.

The difference between the former and latter is that it is more efficient to have stronger heals per tile so that a grid of 10-11 tiles can be distributed more to the members of the party. Just a cast of heal right on the player can completely heal him or her if 4 tiles landed right on top.

One thing though, restoration can be bought and maintained using pardoner’s skill scrolls. The upkeep is around 1000 silver per minute (depends on server) when you need stronger heals.

Thank you sir #2020202020