Tree of Savior Forum

[Inquiry] Squire Arrest vs Corsair Iron Hook

#Inquiry Squire Arrest vs Corsair Iron Hook


Which one is the efficient in both PvE and PvP environment? like can bloodletting prevent them or like some raids/dungeon would require its mechanics?


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no, bloodletting cannot block it.

Squire 's Arrest Can hold down 5 people
Arrest has longer cooldown

Corsair’s Iron Hook can hold down 3 people
Iron has shorter cooldown

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Can’t attack while using Arrest.

Can attack while still holding Hook.

Hoplite’s jumping attack can be combined with it to close distance if you throw the hook at range, presumably this will also be the case with Murmillo’s jumping aoe stun which will extend the cc from 10seconds massively as you can jump at the end of the hook effect and then use other ccs at close range.

Hook is better pvp, Arrest is a tanking skill.

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Arrest = PVE, can stop bosses moving (but not teleporting, jumping, rolling etc.), cannot attack or move during use.
Arrest = Rank 1 debuff that can easily be stopped by bloodletting (Source)

Hook = PVP, can attack during use as long as you don’t move. Cannot stop bosses moving.
Hook = Rank 10 debuff that cannot be stopped by bloodletting (Source)


Seems I’m not needed here anymore.
I thought Arrest was patched so Bloodletting doesn’t negate it a while ago?

i am not sure but from what I know it has always been like that.
Bloodletting only can block rank 1 and 2 CC. it cannot block Arrest or Iron hook since they are both rank 3 CC. one Tip if you are into pvp, knockdown or knockback also work against bloodletting.

Arrest Can Slow and Decrease defense by 50% to 11 targets at lvl 10

which is very useful in Guild Wars

Hook is more of for 1v1 PvP due to it’s short cooldown

I prefer the former since its funny to see people tied up only to be blown to bits by meteors XD

Really? Can you link me the source of this patch?

Either way, enemies under arrest are still free to cast skills so they can easily turn around and cc you. Enemies under hook can’t do anything, so that’s why it’s so much superior in PVP.

Iron Hook last longer right is going lvl 15 of guarantees a massacre in 2vs2/3vs3?

In this link it says that arrest is a rank1 debuff so both Oracle and Plague Doctor can prevent it while corsair is a rank10 and you can attack while using it, just from that it makes Iron hook superior for PvP (and squire having no damage dealing skills).

Did someone tested Arrest after the PvP patch on someone using dispeller or on a Plague Doctor?

I have an Oracle>Kabbalist, I still get hit by arrest after cast Prophecy in TBL.

*Prophecy grant a temporary effect preventing lv .1 status ailemnts.

It doesn’t matter whether Arrest is a rank 1 or a rank 10 debuff guys.

As I said, in PVP it only stops the enemy moving. They can just turn around and cc you to cancel your arrest. They can’t do this against Iron hook though, and that’s the key difference.

bloodletting can stop arrest, but cannot stop iron hook, i already tested.

No, it doesn’t. Anything cast on where you are will cause you to take damage so you’re a sitting duck unless you hooke 3 people in melee range (very unlikely to happen). This is the reason I’m rerolling my Barbsair into a Hopsair. Long Stride allows you to replace yourself without breaking the hook. Perhaps Murmillo skill will also allow one to move away while keeping the hook.

are we just ignoring the fact that Arrest has an atributte that halves the enemy defense by half

Defense isn’t such a big deal. Block and dodge are more important against physcial attacks. Also, once you hook people, wiz and clerics do their work with magic and that’s what kill people fast.

@sttr413 /20charsssssssssssssssss

Please just… don’t play squirtle in PvP.

At least not if it’s GvG, your arrest is maxed and whole team knows what you are doing.

In regards to hook I believe everything is said a lot of times already. Tons of way to counter it and at least 3 known ways to cancel it when it’s already cast (cant confirm the 4th one yet, but it’s related to Sadhu). But still is damn good if you can land it (I’m far from 100% hook accuracy, and I have vast experience with it).

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so like would a squad of SquireC3 would cycle their Arrest a viable tactic?

Nah, you only need one and only throw it when bloodletting is down I guess. Still, I believe it’s not the best tactic, but If you are dead-set on taking Squirtle to GvG that might work… MAYBE.

I also think it may be cancelled somehow.