The weapons are not better than HG ones, just an alternative without Randomness. Unidentified weapons drop on all maps, and have a higher chance to drop inside HG maps. If you appraise the items, they will receive a random amount of options, and random values for those options:
Note: stats = options

Shields have 3 sockets (count as weapon).
Options (stats):
List of stats is similar to Cards.
Red (can only be rolled on weapons)
Physical damage
Critical Damage
Magic Attack Power
Magic amplification
Elemental Attack Damage (Any element)
Bonus damage vs armour (Ghost, Cloth, Leather, Plate)
Bonus damage vs race (insect type, mutant type, …)
Bonus damage vs size (small, medium, large)
Blue (can only be rolled on armour)
Physical Defense
Magical Defense
Critical resistance
Elemental Resistance (Any element)
Resistance vs attack type (strike, slash, pierce, …)
Hp Recovery
Sp Recovery
Crit rate
Block penetration
Looting chance (drop bonus)
You cannot get the same option twice (for example, +15 DEX and another +25 DEX on the same item is impossible).
You can get any random appraisal roll, I have seen a single item get ‘3 green stats’ and get as high as +70 STR, +50 CON, +53 DEX.
Higher level appraiser skill = more chance to get more amount of options (not a higher value on the roll).
Example, compare robe on the left to robe on the right.
Left robe: bad luck, just rolled one ‘blue defensive option’. (+15 dark property resistance)
Right robe: rolled ‘3 green stats’ (30 SPR, 30 STR, 26 INT) and ‘1 blue option’ (+28 lightning property resistance). Better item, will sell for more.
For example, if you are really lucky, you could go all-stats character if you manage to get 4-5x ‘green stat options’ on your items during appraisal. Or have a full set of gear with each piece giving +drop chance (purple option) on your farming character. Another example, on Physical characters, if you get appraisal on a single item and get +STR, +CON, +DEX, +crit rate, …, you will be strong.
You can reroll your statvalue at the blacksmith, you must give him Dust/Powder. The ‘colours’ of the options will not change, but it might change into another option of that colour, or it could stay the same option but have a different ‘value’.
You canNOT reroll the amount of options. The amount of options is determined during the Appraisal. Try to get 6 options on 2 handed weapons, and 4 options on all other equips.
Some examples.
Original item: 3 red options, 2 green options.
REROLL at blacksmith
=> 3 red options, 2 green options.
Original item: +70DEX (green), +50STR (green), +Loot chance (purple)
=> +34 INT (green), +19 STR (green), +15 Block (purple)
A 2 Handed spear with a lot of options (6 options)
+71 CON
+80 dark property attack
+13 SP recovery
+20 evasion
+38 SPR
+1157 HP