Tree of Savior Forum

(╬ ಠ益ಠ) IMC you said BOT will be fixed!

When player see so many bot earning easy silver it will make those options in player head im sure majority will think that way especially SEA region
Maybe not for You cause you are from US?

When player see so many bot earning easy silver it will make those options in player head im sure majority will think that way especially SEA region

Going to work to earn real life money bye for now

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Let’s say there is widespread famine in your region. Your family has a small amount of food to go around. There’s a group of people who go around stealing food from others. They’ve just stolen from your baby sister. Do you report them to the authorities who are barely able to hold things together? Or do you steal from someone else so you can feed your sister? They just illustrated to you how easy it is to steal from someone. The authorities seemingly don’t care enough or just don’t have the manpower to stop the thieves. Does the thought cross your mind to steal? It might but its up to you to choose whether or not you’re going to resort to something you consider wrong.

I realize I’m using something way more serious as an analogy to ToS. One is a real life the other just a game.

Some people view RMT as an act that is hurtful to the games economy as well as their well earned epeens. While others view it as a not so serious matter and just want to stroke their epeens regardless of how they obtained said epeen.

Regardless of the situation it’s up to the individual to decide whether or not they want to perform an act they would otherwise view as amoral.

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Totally what i want ppl to understand

Like i said many time my option now is just to daily dungeon and pray i get that 1%drop until im bored

From what he was saying, his solution would be more ‘give the thieves his own food in an attempt to stop them from stealing.’


Maybe my post is not clear it is just the route that ppl will go to because of the bot situation

And every single one of the them who does is a retard…

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If there is a small piece of honor, dignity and moral in you…

am sure as hell you would go to the authority instead of becoming another piece of ■■■■ like the other thieves :triumph:

OH! some ■■■■■■■ piece of ■■■■ stole from me so let me be an equal ■■■■■■■ piece of ■■■■ and steal from someone else…

this is why this world is so ■■■■■■ up, cause people do ■■■■ without moral or ethics :rage:

Yes those are retard but the game situation right now is kinda forcing some player to go one of the route

That is why now so many bot with proper team name and achivement e.g LinaInverse with cashshop item and > 7 achiement and its not ban after many report

It’s not forcing anyone to do anything.

People are just lazy, impatient, and entitled to having everything right now. This is not an excuse to ruin the game for everyone else. People are just assholes and IMC is the one who has to pull their heads out of their asses and do something about it.

As for the players who actually care about the game and not themselves, all we can do is simply not support botters/bot providers in any way, shape, or form, and keep reminding IMC that ‘■■■■ needs to be fixed!’

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This is my main point. I realize IMC’s restrictions are tough and seemingly pointless. Goldsellers and bots still run wild even though there are all these restrictions. Should IMC be blamed for players coming to that conclusion? Absolutely not.

In my analogy I refer to IMC as the police, players as the people and bots as the thieves. Would I resort to stealing becoming another thief? Hell no why am I going to add to the problem? If everyone followed this thought process then you’re stuck with a community of thieves. Would I do my best to make it through the famine and hope others can stand strong with me and not be thieves? Damn right I will. Why? Cause I’m not weak willed individual and I have faith in my community.

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Of course you would choose the moral high ground. Not all people will and those who don’t either lack morality in the first damn place or are delusionally justifying their actions.

Agreed. Regardless of whats is going on it is up to the individual to make the decision

This is me reminding IMC the police to do their job if not more and more people will become thief!

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Yes that is the human nature or the good citizen will just leave the country

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Same talt everyday really discouraging should increase the %chance since thats what legit player do talty