Tree of Savior Forum

IMC will never let you down

my friend is a furry irl so i can attest to this. we are not friends no more.


You already worked on it, you just have for whatever reason decided you don’t want to give it to us.

You continue to post dev blogs highlighting things we don’t see for months at a time in an effort to keep us. It’s misleading and unfair.

Your “plan” is causing the game to hemorrhage more players than it maintains. We don’t want frequent highlights of all the things we can’t have, we want the content you are promising. Even if you can’t fix every single little bug between the time you release it to ktos and translate it for us. Every single day the game loses players that won’t come back because you can’t maintain a consistent schedule and we don’t have a company like Nexon holding you accountable for itos.

That means you have to hold yourselves accountable. Do so.


you are right, i think the same

:tired: these people and their problems :tired:

Wait, wait, wait! IMC has moderators that respond (even with mild troll humor) to publications that do not involve “loss of money” on their part (type BUG of TP, TP not entering …).

We’re on schedule for 3-4 content updates a year at best.

We lose 400-500 active players that don’t come back, probably every time this happens. Game currently averages a little under 2k at a clip. Mathematically the game won’t survive the year, sorry.

And before the “AKSHULLY concurrent players doesn’t matter the game has like 20k total players” crowd jumps in here, you are welcome to jump in the game at any point during the day and attempt to do content with others and tell me how wrong I am, while you tout overall account numbers and simultaneously bitch that it’s not worth leveling any more alt accounts cause the rewards got nerfed like someone’s not gonna notice the doublespeak.


whoa there, my near to zero people skills aren’t ready for that sort of conversation :tired:

all i did was take note on how demanding some people can be ‘w’/

Merge the Western servers, we don’t need 3 servers for US and EU. Rank 9 clearly indicated the population isn’t going to recover.

How do we know you’re not an IMC shill?
You’re like the only one defending IMC in this thread.

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I actually can do content with others when I log in lately aside from taking small break for waiting new looting chance stuff.


Not sure about latest days though. But afaik friends who does Saalus are still doing running it pretty fine last days :thinking:

Also, an honest question about this:

Why are people so much reluctant to using CCU and Players in last 2 weeks at the same time to explain the game bad things but without being too pessimistic?

Like, for sure it won’t change your overall view on CCU and what happens nor it prevents the game from having population issues and content taking longer.

Most people that advocates the use (including me) of the 35~40k number also insists that CCU should be used together so you can explain and complain about everything: from dungeon queues to how the game doesn’t have many things to do outside dailies, but that it actually have a decent number of players that logs in, do few dailies and logout even though each group doesn’t have much contact with each other.

You get to pass the right picture into details, can show even more problems that you can’t with CCU alone.

So… like, why is it so hard to use both together? Why there are so many attacks if someone says that CCU and Players in last 2 weeks together are better for complaining and showing real issues?

but man, just look at those rants @w@

it’s almost a copycat of why certain jp games was never released in the US

Ktos received 2 rank reset and 2 stat/skill reset potion from aoe patch. Another 2 rank reset and 2 weeks of wizard class reset from wizard balance patch. If you planned to release it together, please give equavalent as ktos, 4 rank reset, 2 stat/skill reset potion, wizard class reset or full reset like previous balance patch. Else I prefer those patch given separately, pleasee.

Wait so they received 2 rank resets regardless of how many characters/wizards they had? <_<

No, it was only given to characters of those classes.


Because it is misleading, and harmful if IMC thinks the game is healthy as a result of one metric and not the other.

If you don’t see it, you are part of the problem.


And that’s what I’m talking about. Hiding numbers is what’s misleading and harmful.

Using both CCU and Players in last 2 weeks won’t hide the state of the game. Everyone knows it lacks content, that CCU is low, that people mostly does Saalus and logout and that it lacks new players influx. Showing that you have 35k~40k players brings two different points of view such as that to how the game lacks interaction and how the 35k~40k players only play a little.

The other point of view of using Players in last 2 weeks though is that it shows that 35k~40k ish is the correct size of ToS community and how many players affects economy. Even if they don’t play too much.

The thing I still don’t get why you said that using 2 numbers is misleading as result of one metric and not the other when I’m actually talking about using the two metrics. ‘-’

And this… especially when IMC isn’t going to check forum posts for decisions but the actual data available for them lol

I think in a shell nut what lunar meant is:

1k to 2k online at any given time . (Players and bots you meet when you are playing account to this)

30k - 40k players in 24 hours. (Not sure if unique players or players who log in and out are counted multiple times throughout the day)

Not a healthy number but it is as it is.

Kind of just mean to use both numbers instead of only the 1k~2k or only the 30k~40k.

Also, the 30k~40k is this: "people that had game attached to their profiles and also launched a game during specified time interval ".

Unique people that launched the game at least one time in the last 2 weeks (14 days). It includes either people that only logged in last Saturday, for example, and people who logged in entire last 2 weeks to do Saalus and other dailies.

My main issue with this is the tendency people have to say “this game has X players” where X = CCU. It’s only one metric that hides one thing. Saying “the game has X players” where X = Players in last 2 weeks is also misleading. It’s only one metric that hides another thing.

Using both shows community size (along with bots/alts/etc, obviously) and how many people actually affects the market and economy, but also how many you can meet in-game and how bad some dungeons queues can be, without overestimating either the population size nor the issues.

Wow. That’s hell of a lot of players. Could ToS actually be one of the most popular, if not THE most popular MMORPGs currently?

That’s just my assumption haha