Tree of Savior Forum

Im tired of IMC only caring about Gold Sellers

Im tired of IMC only caring about Gold Sellers. Im serious. Every decision they make that negatively impacts the player base is made to somehow combat RMT. IMC is so affraid they wont get a chance to nickel and dime players, that they f*ck us at every juncture alone the way.

Can you guys focus on your playerbase for one moment instead of worrying about how you can maximize the amount of cash you can extort from your player base before they are no longer jaded and abandon you?

I’ve been so excited for this game that I’ve followed for years, and have been playing in Korean, which I cannot read.

Almost every change you’ve made to the International version has been to the detriment of the players. Raising our prices on EVERYTHING, lowering the rate at which we generate TP, reducing the number of dungeons we can play. Removing the ability for us to trade altogether. And now we are being charged real money or 10+ hours of game play for every transaction we make on the AH. You should be absolutely ashamed of yourselves. It’s hard to make Nexon look good, but you are doing a fantastic job at it. I’ll be refunding my DLCs (bought them all) and so will my friends if this remains the current state of the game.

I’ve never felt so offended in my life by a game developer. And that says a lot considering the state of mobile games currently.

Might have jumped the gun here with my outrage. The information I was given led me to believe this was an iToS change. After spending a bit of time looking for a source, I fount this was a change for kToS ran by Nexon on their test servers: Buy-in shops have been removed. Auction house now costs TP (your equivalent of i-coins) to use. Limited duration + you must pay for extending the duration - “The minimum is 3 hours, with 24, 72 and 120 hours. It costs 2, 4, 6 and 8 TP per item listed.” Personal trade has been removed.
This may not be indicative of any sort of change in iToS. Sorry that my anger led to haste and possible misinformation. Hopefully this has nothing to do with us.


Peace fam


Never heard of Ubisoft? Digital Homicide?

Same thread on Reddit:

I responded there as well. But yeah.

where do I buy “Gold?”

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There is only an obvious silver in this game (main currency) but people like to call it “Gold”.
Also TP have a yellow icon which resemles “Gold”.

So it’s like “IMC only caring about Silver Sellers.”
or “IMC only caring about TP seller”

probably should be changed to simply “RMT.”

For those blowing their proverbial heads for the past few weeks, nothing would ever be enough. If the changes made4 in KToS has stopped a bleed then I can understand why they will bring it over here. Growing pains are always pains, but never be so vain as a player to think that a company is so inept not to consider that.

That goes for and against all these wild wide ranging statements and declarations.

If they don’t make money off the game, then what’s the point continuing it? They’ll just axe the game and move on. Everything spins on money so let that sink in for a moment. That’s how the world works, and if you think you can make that change, go for it, and if don’t, feel free to refund, no one gonna stop you.

I do agree on the TP regen, not really sure why they did that and was hoping for a plausible explanation.

It’s always hard to satisfy thousands of players, some would agree and some would disagree. It’s not easy I can tell you that. Sure up until now they have done the good deeds by hearing players what they want (changing the EA and all) but also they need to be a little selfish as well, to bring fortune to themselves so the game can go on.

Rome wasn’t build in a day. I don’t really expect a perfect outcome from them, good is just enough. As long as they don’t flush everything into the toilet like most companies nowadays.

There is a difference between making money, and nickel and diming your userbase. If I told you to pay a sub to play, most of us are fine with that. If I told you to pay a sub to play, then you had to pay an extra $5 for each new char you made, most of us would even be okay with that. Now I tell you that you have to pay $5 for the privelege of recieving buffs by other players. Then $2 to use potions. And lets not forget another 10$ a month if you want to maintain access to your created characters outside of slots 1 and 2. Also, that guild charter is $5.

There is a point in which your charging money for things becomes insulting. Has nothing to do with being rich or poor. Its the way you are being treated by developers.

PS~ I have all three DLCs, and play Korea. Updated my post. Turns out these changes havent been confirmed for iToS.


I despise RMTers, botters specifically. I would be in favor of the current restrictions if they actually worked. However, they do not. Having played the Korean version you might have seen what RMTers are using to defeat all of these restrictions. I wrote a thread on the subject and how the problem could be solved - possibly so well that some of the current restrictions could be lifted!

Please give it a read and tell us what you think.

I’ve read your post and it’s really a good suggestion.

I think that restricting silver trading is essential for game balance and I can’t see how it can harm players in any way. I don’t think it’s an anti-bot tool.

But I agree that item trading (with potential loss) should be possible for any user, not only token users. Restricting it is not a smart idea IMO. Monthly limit on number of trades is an OK thing though.