Tree of Savior Forum

Idea against bots and afkers

IMC and other players have already said that Captha system became useless years ago, so at the moment we don’t have really a way to fight bots. Except to endlessly report them then pray that our prayers will be heard.

Most of the time our whises come true but only against the low level bots, it seems. Higher level bots who got fewer reports are still around and it’s pissing off the loyal reporters.

So here’s my idea and it’s come from Ktos.
Recently Ktos was able to apply a debuff on a player, that prevent him to get loot on a world boss. He had to stay logged to get the debuff off (until last week they changed it).

My idea is simple: cripple bot with debuffs!
This idea can be applied since IMC already done it on Ktos like I said above.

The goal is to discourage botters, that is not worth it to run a bot!

10 reports > the character become suspicious, the game will apply a debuff “SLOW” and remove Silver gain.
25 reports > the character become more then suspicious, he won’t get anymore loot.
50+ reports > the character has been indentified by the player base has toxic behavior, the game will not give him exp. AND system will send a message to GMs to get their attention at this suspect/toxic behavior.

All these debuffs will stay for X hours. The only way to not have anymore debuffs will be to go back to town and wait. Debuff won’t go away if you log out.

The first debuff is to cut the main income of Gold seller : virtual money “silver” from the game.
The second debuff is the same, without loot gold seller can’t sell at the market valuable items.
Third debuff is mainly to get personal IMC attention but seriously at this point, I will just summon the reaper and auto ban.

This system can be also uselfull against Afkers. Even if IMC doesn’t see them as being toxic for community, an AFK player specialy in dungeon handicap the whole group and may repeat the same bad behavior.

If I’m innocent, how can remove those debuffs ?
By paying in silver a high fee to remove them to an npc in town. But you can only remove 2 times the debuffs and it won’t put back at 0 your number of reports. Only the gms can clear your report tab OR if you didn’t get new reports after 2 weeks.

Can abuse been made ?
Yes, like any system but if a whole guild decide to gang up against a victim, that will be easy to investigate.
Still, that’s why IMC should choose an approriate amount of reports, just 5 reports for example will be easely abusable but getting 10+ people will be more difficult and won’t be unnoticed.

Also to prevent abuse, people can report only 1 time a character per week.

But why apply debuffs ?
Take these debuffs like warnings and discourage bad behavior in general. There is no instant ban with this system, since it the gms who will decide at the end.

The goal is to send the message “play fair or I will cut your income”.



its a nope for me. what if bots can use that to you. lets say 50 bots are waiting or running in the map. and their modus is to report any player who passes within their range? sounds bad right? or if someone has a bad day and chooses to report you. lets say 10 person reported you within a week or a few days. then you will have the penalty even youre not a bot.

many players like to report on their own will or on their own judgement.

and some players are not just like to chat like me. ive been accused like more than 20 times of being a bot. i think. i dont know if i got reported or not. but sometimes i get irritated on those who says im a bot.

This right here. Seen this kind of stuff in games before. Played LOTRO alot and in the PVP maps if you get reported by anything you get messaged by a GM to be notified of a 24 hour ban. Doesn’t matter what your reported for if you even did anything. Their idea behind it was to keep the PVP section clean from flaming and trolling. However when it became known how the system worked people would report for the specific purpose of trolling. If they didn’t like someone they would just report them and that person would automatically get a 24 hour ban. In the 24 hour ban the GM’s look to see if you have done anything. If not the ban doesn’t continue after the 24 hours. If you had done something worthy of being banned you get an email telling you the ban was extended for X time.

Nice idea, but unfortunately not everyone have the same mind. Especially for this

I don’t know if it’s just my circle of friends but, out of 4 party member, I’m the only one that reports. And I imagine there is a lot more people that just ignore the bots instead of reporting.

I don’t think IMC have enough time or workforce to review every single report being made, even if they managed to do so, I don’t think it would be efficient.

But, the idea could work, would love to see the bot being punished, but from my years of mmos experience… I could just hope.

That’s why I suggested a limit of reports just like the forum has to limit the number of time you can flag someone and that you can go back in town to remove your debuffs.

But I think you’re stretching with the example of bot reporting other players.

That’s a similar system to MOBA and it’s working but you don’t get instantly punished after number X of report, I think they made a reputation system (like IMC made one for their auto ban bot). If you reach a certain level of bad reputation you will be punished and send to play with other people like you.

LOTRO ban system lacked flexibility.

My idea is just like in Football with yellow and red cards, of course it’s not perfect and need lot more of polishing and tweaking. I just wanted to give an idea to IMC.

Because gold sellers run bots because they’re efficient, my idea is to make them ineficient.

There is no real way to ban bots like you said, I’m also a long term mmorpgs players. Blizzard was able to overcome botting problem by creating a scan program who can detect third party programs. I don’t know if IMC has it.

and im planning to make a report suggestion too. but i need to gather more. kind of insulting stuffs.

so heres what am i going to suggest to imc.

instead of report as a bot, im going to suggest to expand them

here are some sub categories of reports
-gold selling
-bad manners(trolling,kill steal,etc.)

im still gathering info at game

it happens to our old game(and the game is already down long ago). i became a game moderator in some games so i know what will happens next when in that kind of suggestion.

its better to ban them instantly. email them and make them explain. if they didnt reply, then its a bot.

since tos is under steam, imc and steam knows what to do.